part 1.The arrival of new sister

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This history happens 1 week after Ash returns to Kanto from Kalos

5 am

Ash:Pikachu do you know where whe could go on our next pokemon journey? Huh Pikachu? Oh yeah ai forgot it's freaking 5 am I just can't sleep when I still think about new adventures,I could ask Professor Oak but he is on the vacation and he asked me to don't comunicate with him for some reason,Hey but Tracey is in Prof.Oak lab he may know a regio  where i could travel for next journey

*At prof.oak lab*

Tracey:Hmm Prof.Oak was right those particles on Ash's hat are interesting he never had anything like this in previous adventures

Ash:Hi Tracey what are you doing with my hat?

Tracey:Oh yeah Prof.Oak asked me to take a look at those weird blue particles we found on your hat when you placed it under microscope 3 days ago

Ash:So I can't take my hat back now?

Tracey:Sorry but no but anyway what brings you here at 5 am isn't to early for you?

Ash:Well I can't sleep all this week I was thinking about new Pokemon journey but i have no idea to what region I should go

Tracey:Well prof.Oak told me he had a list of interesting Regions but...


Tracey:I would really like to show you this list but I think Prof.Oak took it with him and he told me to don't call him while he is on the vacation I guess I have to wait for Prof.Oak return from his Vacation to see this list

Tracey:Well you can also visit Misty she told me she missed you


Tracey:Yeah you can take Staraptor and fly to the Cerulean City and visit her

Ash:Well I guess it's not a bad idea Staraptor come here

Tracey:Wait but it's 5 am don't you think you should wait to umm idk 10 am?

Ash:Ahh...okay I can wait,can I help you somehow with those particles on my hat?


*5 hours later*

Tracey:Thanks for hel Ash

Ash:Yeah no problem

*Pikachu runs to Ash*

Ash:Oh sorry I almost forgot about you buddy,you wanna go and visit Misty with me?

Pikachu:PIKA! 😃

Ash:Okay then lets get on Staraptor

*20 minutes later*

*Ash opens cerulean city doors*

Ash;Hello? Hey it's Daisy,Lily and Violet Hey girls!

Daisy:Hey look it's Ash what do you think he looks for?

Violet:I don't know let's ask him

Ash:Hi um do you know where is Misty i wanted to visit her

Lily:Oh sadly she is not here now,I think she has some weird phase to leave city for a few hours without telling us where she goes and returning in the evening

Ash:What? For real?

Violet:Yeah but it's a good thing you're here because we had some plans for you

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2022 ⏰

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