01 . a familiarity in returning

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To return to work sent fear burning through Alexis' body, like a child sucking their thumb she pulled her pager from her pocket to self sooth these feelings

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To return to work sent fear burning through Alexis' body, like a child sucking their thumb she pulled her pager from her pocket to self sooth these feelings. For minutes, her eyes would fix on the device waiting for her heart to be broken by the ringing from the third floor. The phone call that would end her time as mother short could come at any moment. It could take minutes or it could be years; her worrying could be justified or it could be unnecessary. She continued to ask herself the questions and feed her heart scenarios she never knew would only be the worst possible outcome. Going back to work was supposed to occupy her and decrease her feeling of helplessness, however when she pulled her lab coat on, she had wrapped herself in anxiety and dread.

It didn't matter how many times she had assured herself that her daughter was in the best possible care, she would always wonder whether she would be able to offer the best care for the baby. Could she – holding the girl in her arms – offer more comfort than the nurses who were dedicated to her care? If her daughter were to stop breathing that day, then she would never forgive herself for returning to work early. She could treat other people; she could even offer diagnostics for children her daughter's age. But when she looked at the girl, she could only see the worst-case scenarios.

As she once more pulled the pager from her pocket, Alexis was approached by a friend who she had not spoke a word to in months, "I didn't expect you back so soon."

"Well, I thought that someone had to come and stop House from killing anyone else." She forced her pager back into her pocket shaking off the fear she had from her mind. "Because it appears you've become so accustom to him that you're causing him to miss tape worms?"

Raising his shoulders, Wilson retorted, "Not my finest moment, but he took the case. Also if he spoke to his patients he would have known she wasn't jewish."

"What's the file?" Alexis queried, reaching to take it from the oncologist. "Come on, you are clearly headed to House's office, the least you could do is give me a heads up."

"I was actually hoping that you would give it to him." She had raised an eyebrow at him, "You need all you can to get back on his good side, you're a mother now a little too emotional for his liking."

"And the real reason?"

Wilson stopped in his tracks, turning to his friend and handing her the file, "I won a bet last week, he's resistant to take anything from me."

"You've got to stop letting him fester, its like with a-" Alexis's voice trailed off, her eyes growing wide at the information before her. "Must have been some bet if you don't think you can sell him this."

"Well, I gained a new tv and he lost a little bit of his dignity. He'll be over it in a month or too."

Before Alexis could retort, the duo was approached by the man in question. Both doctors were startled by the call, "Sherlock and Watson are back together at last."

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