Now u wanna see them

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Ayden: *laughs* soo Keyonna

Me: no ayden

Ayden: it's not even like tht ... Do thy ever ask about me??

Me: barley but sometimes thy do

Ayden: I wanna see them ...

Keyonna POV

Was I hearing right he wants to see them after all these years I know Yall wondering if he was never with me how is all them his well here's how

Me nd ayden was together then we had had Keyvonte this I had to wait 6 weeks to have sex again Thts a month and a half but we waited longer Von was 1 month be a half but when he turned 2 months we had sex again but he only wanted one kid but when Mariah was born he left then when Von nd riah was 1 we meet again the next thing u know unique was here they never meet there dad till I meet him again then mari came then Kayla all my kids only seen there dad one time and Thts it nd I'm not a Hoe all my children have the SAME dad

Ayden: u heard me

Me: yea but why now

Ayden: what u mean

Me: after all these years u wanna see them now this will be the 2nd time they seen u

Ayden: look I know what I did was wrong but I wanna see them I dnt even kno wht they look like

I pulled out my phone nd showed him pictures from oldest to youngest

Me: now u see what they look like .

Ayden: I wanna see them in person

Should I just let him see them .. I mean he is their dad so y not

Me:*sighs* ok This Friday come to my house to have dinner I'll text u the address

He just nodded with tht I walked out be went home

Kayla: mommy where was u at

Mom: out minding my business

Mari: *laughs* she told u Kayla

Kayla: shut up ass wipe

Unique: both of Yall shut up

I went upstairs took a 20 minute shower then change into my night clothes went dwn stairs to eat

Unique: mommy

Me: yes little girl

Unique: can Tay come over

Von: I was gonna ask her buh can Tunni come to

Unique: Thts my Bestfriend

Me: shut up u to be yes they can

Unique POV

When she said yes we ran to vons room told them she said yes

20 minutes later Tay , Tunni tori Justin bs some cute boy came in
I got up nd hugged Tay Nd every one else

Justin: yal this Malik my cousin

Me: cool hi I'm unique nd Thts Von

Malik: Hi

We all went in the game room nd the boys was playing 2k15 while me, tori nd Tunni was just talking nd watching dem play them riah came dwn I think I can hook Malik nd riah up.

Me: uh Riah this is Malik Justus cousin Malik this is my sister Mariah

Riah: *smiles* hi

Malik: wassup 😏

Me: Tayy

Tay: yes baby

Me: I wanna play

Tunni: me to Von

Von: Yall know yal suck at this

Me: can to

Von: shut up niq

Tunni: why can't we play

Justin: cause Yall some ass

Tori: Justin shut up

Riah: then play something us "girls" can play to

Malik: likee

Riah: ion

Me: ion bout Yall but I'm going in my room

I kissed Tay then walked out to me room to be followed by Tunni riah nd tori

Mari POV

I was texting heidy nd dem in dat kik convo not iMessage


Mari💍💘- hay mari

HD💍💘- wasgud bae

Mar mar👅💕- shut the hell up

Mari💍💘- u mad Marcus u dnt have a bae

Mar mar 👅💕- heidy shut up be I can have one if Keisha quit playing

Kei💦🌹- I Anit playing boi u is

HD💍💘- Yall both playing

J💍💦- do Yall not know how to shut up

K💍💦- kill moe

Kei💦🌹- bae tmp

Mar mar👅💕- ok

Kei💦🌹-not I I was talking to Kayla

J💍💦- 😹 ok I will bae where's my baby

Mari💍💘- right her baby

HD💍💘- she all mines u have ur one baby

K💍💦- no no Thts my baby heidy hop off 📴

End Convo

I got in the shower them went straight to sleep


Keyonna agrees to let him see the kids

Keyvonte up top🔝👅

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