Chapter 3

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I'm SOOOOOOOO sorry I took so long to update😞! I have been busy with things in the weekdays also, trying not to get caught 🤫. But, THE MOMENT YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR *drum roles* , CHAPER 3 HAS ARRIVED!!!! Hope you guys like it!

Zara's POV (Zara's dream)

Flashback 9 years ago (Zara's 5 years old in the flashback)

I was playing outside with a Eevee and a Riolu. We were playing Tag and Eevee was it. Me and Riolu ran around in circles with Eevee right behind us, trying to avoid getting tagged.

"You can't catch me Eevee!" I said, looking at the corner of my eye.

Eevee gained a bit more speed and jumped, landing on me and Riolu, licking both of us on our cheeks. "Eev eevee!" Eevee said, as if saying 'I got you!' I heard my stomach growl, Eevee and Riolus stomach did the same.

"Let's go get something to eat, I'm starving!" I said, Eevee and Riolu made a noise in approval. Eevee jumped off me and Riolu, while I dusted myself off,

"Let's go to my place, follow me!" I said, skipping along, Riolu and Eevee at my side.

(Time skip to Zara's place)

I walked towards the door, before I opened it I sniffed the air and it smelled like smoke... I looked behind my house and saw fire. It grew rapidly, every second it grew bigger and bigger. "You two stay here." I said. Eevee and Riolu stepped in my way, blocking me from entering my house.

"Riiio riolu riiii!" Riolu said as if saying 'Don't go in there, it's dangerous!' Eevee made a sound in agreement. But I didn't listen, I couldn't leave my parents in there, I have to save them. I moved Eevee and Riolu out of the way and opened the door revealing fire consuming everything that was in it's way. I saw my parents holding buckets of water and trying to put out the fire, but it didn't work.

"Mom, dad!" I yelled. Mom and dad jerked there head where they heard my voice, seeing my worried expression, with Riolu and Eevee doing the same.

"Zara!? What are you going here!? It isn't safe!" Mother yelled, worriedly.

"Go, save yourself!" Dad yelled. But I didn't listen, my stubbornness got the best of me. I ran inside, carefully, trying not to get burnt. I got to my parents and gave them a quick hug in relief they were safe.

"We have to get out of here!" Mom said.

"How? Where?" Dad asked. I looked around and saw a exit, 'we can get out from there!' I thought.

"We can through their!" I said, pointing towards the exit.

"Let's go and be careful!" Mom warned. We headed toward the exit, I gained a bit more speed as we headed toward the exit. Then, I heard a crack, I stopped, looked up seeing a support beam falling towards my dad. He ran as fast as he could, but tripped on something, causing him to fall. The support beam traped his foot, making him stuck. He struggled to brake free but no luck. My mother got me out safely and told me to stay where I was. Mother went in to help dad I saw the house crumble half way. I ran towards the house but Eevee and Riolu held me back.

"Mom! Dad!" I yelled, hoping they would hear me. The house started to crumble once more, I struggled out of Eevee and Riolus hold and ran to the house, but I stopped, seeing the sad smile my mom dad gave me saying 'we love you, Zara'. Then the house collapsed. . .


Hey guys! Once again I am VERY (VERY) sorry I took a long time to update! Hopefully you can forgive me. Hope you guys like this story! Bye!

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