Chapter 2

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The whole friend group were on their way to the haunted house. Jimin was driving, Namjoon was in the passenger's seat, and the rest of them were in the back seats.

"Why. Is this ride. So fucking long." Yoongi proclames. "Yoongi's right. It's all the way out of town." Jimin replies. "Oh shut up, do y'all want your money or not?" Namjoon says. The rest of them slightly nod in their seats and stop worrying about it.

Sooner or later the boys arrive to their destination.

The boys stare at the house in awe, admiring how big it is. They're quick to get out of the car and to the front door of the house. In front of them is a table with a waver that says
"How many people are entering: _______"
"Sign Here. __________"
The friend group sign in the information into the waver and the front door opens in front of them.

"Hey... don't you think it's kinda creepy here?" Says Hoseok. "It's supposed to be scary. It's a haunted house remember?" Replies Yoongi. Hoseok gulps and then quickly nods.

"Okay! Let's find how to start." Seokjin says.

A voice, a delicate voice starts speaking. "Hello young men. My name is Jungkook and I will be the one controlling this haunted house. I'll state the rules. Listen carefully. You must find a way out of this house. First, The front door is off limits. The front door is the door you came from. Leaving through that door will cause you to lose immediately. Second, please do not destroy the property if it's unnecessary. If in any way you must defend yourself, then you are welcome to destroy this property."

The boys start to wonder what Jungkook means when he says "If in any way you must defend yourself, then you are welcome to destroy this property." but they take it off their mind and start listening once more.

Jungkook starts again. "Here are the directions. You manage to escape this house, and I'll give you 3,000,000,000 ₩. If you cant escape, you will wait until a safety crew comes to find you. Do not worry, for the safety crew knows the exit and will take you there."

The 6 boys gasp hearing how much money they'll get if they win.

"Please be careful, everything here is very graphic and realistic. I will lead you along the way if you need any help. But very soon, I will not help you anymore, for you will be by yourself for the rest of your journey. You have a time limit of  7  1/2 days or 180 hours. Spend that time wisely and good luck."

"Hey... we're staying here for  7  1/2 days? Isn't that kinda weird?" Taehyung states. "Yea but we're already here so we might as well do it." Jimin replies. "Don't tell me you're scared!" Yoongi shouts. Taehyung mocks him and says no. They start on their way to find an exit.

"We should stick together, so we don't stray away." Namjoon says. Everyone agrees and starts finding an exit to this haunted house again.

About 15 minutes later Jungkook starts speaking again.

"Are you hungry? To eat, you must compete for your food. You will not fight each other but you will fight a large beast. Keep in mind that this beast is very very hungry and will eat you alive. Manage to fight against it, and you will feast on a long table of food. Your weapons are on the right side of you."

"WAIT. FIGHT?" Hoseok shouts. They all are in shock and start worrying.

What will happen? What beast will they fight? Stay updated!

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