after accidentally killing the doctors that were helping him, he ran away and found people he would call family.
Welcome to the life of Zine Xaigen. A man who has been through more pain, and suffering then you could even imagine.
Find out more as y...
The ground was soft, everything was slowly going foggy. My ears were filled with the sound of ringing. The pool of red around me was very thick, and looked slimy, with how it mixed with the swampy ground. Everything was slowly going black, happy memories flooding my thoughts.
Now, you are probably wondering how I got here, right? Well, let me tell you how this big giant mess started. It started when I was only 7 years old. I was in the Zep City Hospital because I was sick.
Out of nowhere, I started to have a bloody nose. Now mind you, I used to never get bloody noses. So this was out of the blue, 2 doctors came to help me, they both got a small bit of my blood on them, and then out of absolutely nowhere, they exploded.
Now, you must be very shocked and confused, right? Yeah, I was too, so you're not alone in this mess. I ran away the day it happened, I was scared. Scared that I was going to hurt someone again. Yet little did I know that it was going to happen again anyways. No matter if I ran away or not, that's how life works for me.
Anyways. When I ran away, I ran as far, and as fast as I could. I ran until my legs gave out. Also, forgot to mention my name's Zine. Like Vine with a Z instead of a V. I passed out once my legs couldn't go any farther than 3 steps.
When I woke up, I was in the same place I passed out in. You thought I was gonna wake up somewhere else right? Haha! No.
I felt like something was off after my eyes opened. I looked around the foggy forest. My head hurt from falling, so it was a bit hard to focus on the things in front of me. It was like I made my vision un-focus, and I couldn't get it to focus again. "Doh desh-ta-ka..?" (What happened..?) I whispered to myself.
My vision finally focused, so I started to look around. "Ohayo!!!!" Yelled some random stranger. It caused me to jump and yell. It was like a jumpscare. "Gomen nasai," (Im sorry,) The stranger said, waving their arms around.
"Watakushi-no namae-wa Tubs desu!" (My name is Tubs!) The stranger exclaimed while putting an arm out to help me off the rocky, and grassy ground. "Dozo, anata-no namae wa?" (your name please?) "Zine.." I responded, hesitating at first.
Once I grabbed their hand, they lifted me up and helped me regain my balance, as I was very wobbly.
Tubs started writing on a piece of paper, I don't know where they got it from. But they got it from somewhere. '*japanese here*(I can't put it on computer :(' (where does it hurt?'
I was very confused, until I looked down and noticed I was limping. I pointed to my left leg and looked up. "Ah, Eigo-o hanashimasu-ka?" (Ah, do you speak English?) Tubs asked. "Nihongo-o sukoshi hanashimasu." (I speak a little Japanese) Tubs told me, the accent a bit sloppy. "Hai." (yes.) I responded to Tubs' question. "Nice! Okay, good!" Tubs said, sounding very relieved. "I only know a small bit of Japanese, haha!" Tubs laughed.