the truth

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Don't you just love the silence of dinner?

I do but now feels like the perfect time to ask Annie what is going on.

"Sorry to interrupt the dinner silence but Annie, what happened at school?" i ask in a  confident voice.


Then "its that Jimmy Cobb, he got all his friends to have a go at me because in art Mrs Lorenzo asked us to draw what we wanted to do when we grow up, so i drew a runner!!!"

Ever since Annie could walk she has been passionate about speed and running, before mum died she used to tell Annie to run as fast as she could.

Our grandparents looked at each other then slowly turned their head to look at Annie.

The weekend came  with still no change at school, our grandma and Grandad decided to take us out, they didn't tell us were?!

we drove up a bumpy narrow road, a motorway and past a Mc Donald's. we finally arrived at the secrete destination, a running centre!!!

Annie's face lit up with excitement as she leaped out of the car,slamming the car door in my face, i shortly followed behind alongside my grandparents.

"how come you never told us this before?" my grandma pointed out.

"i dont know?" i exclaimed. Running up to Annie my feet feel like ive just run a marathon, but Annie was going even faster, it was a race to the entrance. obviously Annie won, only because i was going easy on her, yeah that's was what i was doing!

As soon as we took the first step in the centre a tall muscular man with a name tag on that read, "welcome my name is Mark."

Annie also noticed and started the day by saying "Hi Mark!"

Mark then lead us to the training and testing "zone" As we were walking through Annie saw a lot of children running around and having a good time, her face lit up brighter than ever before!!!

we finally arrived at the testing "zone" were Annie was tested!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2015 ⏰

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