🌊And pull me close🌊

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The news around town spread that the lost boy had been found. Nobody questioned it too much and the police were relieved to finally close that case for good.

Rumours also spread around school of course, they always did, some say he was kidnapped and held hostage, some would say he chose to run away from his life. Yet once he did come back to school, nobody recognized him, he smiled a lot more and had this energy around him that radiated pure charm.

Even if his old bullies walked up to him like they used to, it didn't hurt anymore. He had fought pirates and swam with sharks, a few words were nothing now.

With this courage he finally was able to make friends, to talk to the people in his classroom.

Felix was himself, the self he had found on his little adventure across time and space. It did feel like home again after a while, he had friends, a loving family, anything the boy could have possibly asked for.

He never once took of his necklace, day and night he would cling to it and hold it to his heart, singing melodies that Hyunjin had invented along their trip together.

He missed him, their was no denying it, but he was still glad he got to meet him and spend so much time with him. He was grateful and most importantly happy.

But their was one last thing he needed to do before being fully satisfied, one task that Hyunjin had given him.

So Felix did as asked and walked into his school, going from classroom to classroom, searching for his answers. He wanted to know everything about the stars, the moon, the planets, he wanted the knowledge he was never able to give his lover.

He stopped in front of a classroom that caught his eye. It was filled with posters of astronomie and name of different galaxies. He smiled as he walked inside, spreading his hand on various rocks and crystals across the room. He smiled as he watched glow in the dark stars on the roof, making his heart all warm.

"I see I've found a curious star...what are you doing here?" A familiar voice made Felix turn around, but he couldn't see who it was because of the dimmed lights.

"I heard theirs a professor around school that knows everything about the stars...I'm searching for M.Hwang"

"You'd be in the right place, why do you want to learn more?" The tall man walked in.

"I think it's fascinating, something so beautiful yet so complex-" the man turned on the light making Felix widen his eyes. He was tall, built slim and handsome, dark brown hair half tied into a ponytail with a soft ribbon. The professor smiled and walked towards him.

"Hyunjin...?" Felix mumbled, not believing his eyes.

"That would be me, the one and only" he gave him a smile before walking over to a table and getting some equipment out, Felix still not budging from where he was.

"It's funny..." Hyunjin spoke softly.

"What is?"

"Your freckles...they look just like the stars"

Felix teared up a bit as he smiled widely. It wasn't the same Hyunjin he knew, he knew that for a fact, but it felt so good to see him again.

He didn't know how this was possible or if his eyes were playing tricks on him, but he smiled.

"I've been told that before, from someone who meant a lot to me" he touched his necklace, catching the teachers eye.

"Well that is strange" he said, showing that he had the exact same necklace, both looking at each other in pure wonder.

He had the same beautiful eyes he would spend hours looking into, the same plump lips that would make him look so kissable and the same smile...that always knew how to make his heart melt.

Maybe this was his grand son from thousands of generations away, maybe this was a parallel universe or maybe it was the gods playing a trick on him.

But he didn't care.

Their was no explanation needed.

He was happy.

No scars could define who he was anymore, he was Lee Felix and he lived in 2023, a year where everything changed for him.

"So, care to take a seat, I'm willing to teach you everything I know if you're willing to listen"

"I am. I want to know everything."

"Good..." Felix sat down at a desk, confusion suddenly washing over him.

"Why...why are you helping me? I mean you must b-be really busy with classes and all"

"Not a lot of students around school are interested in what I teach, it's rare to find people like you who want to learn. So if I can share my passion with someone, I will. Plus...I have this weird feeling we're met before...am I wrong?"

"I've got the same feeling..." Felix smiled widely as they made eye contact.

"So, are you ready to begin this journey?" They both smiled from ear to ear, nodding.

"I'm ready."

The end

For now....

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