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Kate's POV- (Shore leave)
I pulled up the driveway and while putting the car in park noticed Buffer sitting on the front steps of my house. I got out of the car, grabbing my bags, and started towards the front door where Buffer was sitting.
"What're you doing here Buffer? Everything ok?" I asked, a bit concerned for his showing up out of the blue
"Kate we were supposed to meet up a half hour ago." He replied calmly
"Sugar," Kate replied, "I've just been all over the place today."
"What's going on? Everything ok?" Buffer asked, he always did look out for me.
"Yeah...? I dunno... let's talk inside"
I pulled my keys out of my coat pocket, shoved them into the lock on the door and turned them to the right and twisted the door knob. The door swung open and I entered the house followed by Buffer, I walked over to my kitchen counter and dropped all my bags on the smooth marble countertop.
"X, what's going on?" Buffer asked again
"I'm not yours or anyone else's XO anymore." I replied trying to avoid his earlier question, while starting to put the few groceries, that I picked up while out shopping earlier, into the fridge.
"You'll always be X to me" Buffer countered
"That's what everyone says" I replied, a small smile making its way to my lips
"X, my earlier question..." Buffer prompted
"I- uh um, I- I..." I looked around in my purse for awhile before finally finding what I was looking for and handed it to Buffer with shaking hands.
He flipped the ultrasound picture over and took a look. At first a look of shock was noticeable then a mixture of happiness and something like pride. After a minute he looked around the frame for a date and his eyes filled with shock again while doing the math.
"Kate-" He started before I cut him off
"E-eleven" I nodded, "eleven. He doesn't know"
"Kate, he should know" Buffer said in a soothing voice, I guess he could tell I was still a little freaked out about the whole situation.
"I-I know, but I just wanted to be 100% sure because false positives exist and then I just couldn't bring myself to tell him. We never planned this! We never even talked about kids! We both are so invested in our careers it just wasn't really anything we'd thought about. And now I'm lost." I took a deep breath trying to call my nerves.
"You two are going to be fine. You'd make a great mum. And look how hard Mike tried to make things right with Ryan after he found out he was his son." Buffer said trying to reassure me.
I nodded, knowing I was going a bit overboard with my panicking. "Popcorn?" I asked remembering our original plan from months ago.
Buffer nodded, "Sounds good"
I made us some popcorn and we headed over to the living room and turned on the television. After a few hours of binging whatever was on cable at the time, Buffer had to leave so we said our goodbyes and I walked him out and watched his car pull out of the driveway and drive off.

I sat and watched cable for a while, then order take out from mine and Mike's favourite place. I hung up the phone just as I could hear the sound of keys jiggling in the door. A second later the door swung open and Mike walked in with his coat and bag in his hand. He smiled over at me, standing across the entryway with a nervous smile visible on my face.
"How was your day?" I asked before he could say anything
"Good." He said still smiling, "Few meetings that were a bore but," he shrugged "still pretty good. What about you? Everything alright?" He asked with the concern rising slowly in his voice.
"Ye-yeah, Buffer stopped by earlier, and I got some errands done, and then I just ordered take out for dinner."
"Kate, I know when somethings bothering you..." Mike replied, in a knowing tone
"I'm pregnant" I blurted out "eleven weeks"
Mike's eyes widened in surprise and shock, he let his bag and coat drop to the floor. I started talking again before he could respond.
"I've know for a while but I just wanted to be 100% sure, because it wasn't really something we talked about and I didn't know how you'd feel about it because I know your job is really important to you and like with Ryan and-" Mike interrupted me in the middle of my rambling.
"Kate." He paused "we're having a baby" he smiled so brightly it lit up the room. Kate returned his smile finally feeling good about this.

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