53 | Enjoying the Deal

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You better be chaperoning Cynthia and Francis.

Beverly rolled her eyes at her boyfriend's text later that night—leave it to Griffin to want a chaperone for his own godmother of all people.

Of course, dear.

She sent the text and then set her phone down in her lap, returning her attention to her new laptop and its stunningly beautiful, HD, seventeen-point-five-inch screen. Really, it was gorgeous. Peering just over its top, she smiled when her eyes landed on what she could see of Cynthia's kitchen from her spot on the loveseat in the farthest corner of the living room.

Only half the kitchen was visible, but it was plenty enough to keep an eye on Francis and Cynthia without being obvious. The two didn't actually need a chaperone, of course, but when Griffin's godmother had informed them over breakfast that Francis was coming over later that night for dinner and drinks, Beverly's boyfriend had been a bit . . . tense.

"You'll be here tonight, right?" he had asked Beverly quietly, a mixture of concern and frustration simmering as he watched Cynthia bustle about the kitchen, humming a rock song under her breath.

Beverly had nodded, since she had no classes that day and had only planned to buy a new computer before returning to Cynthia's. Griffin had then informed her that he wanted her to keep an eye on the older couple and "make sure Francis doesn't act like a total asshole, please." Instead of telling Griffin that Francis was more likely to throw himself into a pit of lava before hurting Cynthia again, Beverly had nodded placatingly.

If Griffin were there, though, she'd be sending him exasperated looks. The text she'd just received was his fifth of the night, and she was beginning to realize what others must feel like when they were in charge of keeping an eye on her and reporting back to Griffin.

Ah, well, at least we don't have to question whether or not he cares about us.

Looking at what she could see of Cynthia and Francis, Beverly had the feeling that things between the older couple would work out just fine. They'd been very friendly over dinner, throwing each other gentle smiles and cheeky winks along with quick banter and bright laughter; at the moment, they were working on cleaning the dishes, and their elbows and shoulders were brushing together in a sort of flirty, teasing manner.

Beverly figured it would only be about another thirty minutes or so before the two gave in and kissed, something she knew they hadn't done since that day in Francis's office a week ago.

Her phone buzzed, and she tore her eyes from the sweet couple in the kitchen back down to the device.

What are they doing? They better not be kissing, Beverly.

Peeking back up at the couple, Beverly's grin only widened when she saw the two mere inches apart, Francis's hand coming up to gently brush away some of Cynthia's hair as he murmured something that had the woman giggling softly.

Recognizing it was a tender moment that had nothing to do with her, Beverly returned her stare resolutely to her phone.

I'm chaperoning, Griff. :D

That's not an answer, Bev.

That's all you're getting. :D


Griffin. I came straight home from shopping to keep an eye on them, which means I didn't get my mocha today. You won't be getting anything from me until you can make up for that.

Mocha tomorrow?

Beverly chuckled. Oh, he wished it was that easy.

Why not today? She sent the message and then furrowed her brows when she checked the time. She hadn't realized it was getting so late; the shop was surely closed by now, so where was Griffin? Scratch that—where are you?

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