Chapter 2

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Blaire stared at the animatronic in front of her, frozen in place. Her heart was racing and so was her mind. Was Moon dead…? Gathering up her courage, she crawled over and poked Moon’s hand. Nothing. Blaire took a moment to take a look at the state moon was in. Compared to Monty, it’s almost like he was untouched by the fire somehow. Well, that was a stretch. Some of the clothing he wore was burnt, and some of the plastic on his exoskeleton melted. There was also a panel on his leg that popped loose and broken. If anything, Moon probably was just out of battery.

That was when Blaire realized something. This could be the evidence she’s been needing! Of course… if anyone found out she took Moon, she’d be in huge trouble, but maybe she could interrogate him privately? She sat there, wondering where she could possibly store Moon… how would she even get him into her apartment? How would she charge him? She looked around and spotted a generator. Maybe that could be the key to her charging Moon! Although it’d be too hard for her to carry both a generator and Moon to her car… she’d have to come back for it.

Yeah… yeah! This is what she was doing. She stood up, wincing at the way her leg ached from the claw marks Monty left and walked over to Moon. She grunted with effort as she picked up his legs and put them over her shoulders, dragging Moon behind her as she limped her way out of the daycare and then out of the pizzaplex.

She made it to her car, but not without struggle. It was hard to drag Moon away without damaging him, or without getting caught by guards, but she managed it somehow. She stuffed the moon into the back of her car, slamming the door shut and climbing into the driver's seat before driving away.

Luck was on her side once again as she made it to her apartment. It seemed as if the person at the front desk was off on a bathroom break or something. She dragged Moon into the complex and into the elevator. Soon she made it to her apartment and hulled Moon inside, shutting and locking the door behind her.

She ended up sitting him in a chair and tying him up with the rope she had in her backpack. Once she was done, Blaire stepped back and took a good look at Moon. Oops… It seemed like she made a few scrape marks on his face. Not that she cared too much. It wasn’t like she was going to sell Moon. She only had him to get answers. That’s all. She huffed as she grabbed her first aid kit and started to treat her wounds.

Two days later, she was able to successfully retrieve one of the generators she spotted in the daycare. After a bit of struggling, she finally figured out how to hook Moon up to it. She pulled up a chair across from him and sat, just waiting with a metal bat in hand.

Blaire was… really nervous to put it simply. She wasn’t sure if the ropes would even keep him in place. She had NO idea just how strong Moon was, or if he had any other… “features” that would help in killing her. She closed her eyes and drew in a deep, shuddering breath. Her eyes shot open as she heard creaking coming from Moon. She stared at Moon, standing up and readying her bat just in case. Moon’s eyes started to glow once again, and he let out a grumbling sound, looking up at Blaire with a menacing look before suddenly his head started to spin, and spikes started to grow out of it, his hat falling back behind him. Blaire’s eyes widened as he started to change from white blue and black to yellow and red. Soon his head stopped spinning and it seemed to take a bit for him to calibrate before he looked at Blaire again.

“... Well hello new friend! What’s your name?” The sun-looking animatronic smiled at her. She just stared with her jaw-dropped.

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