Chapter 7

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Trevor's POV

I followed Brittany inside and everyone was staring at me. We made a promise to not tell anyone about want just happened outside.

" what happened? you guys were out there for quite a while" Lamar asked us

"Nothing" Brittany responded

"Ok?" He said not believing us.

After about 1 hour had gone, everyone was starting to get tired and was going home. Me and Britt were the only ones still at the house.

"you know what, it is getting late so we should probably go home now." I said looking at the time.

"Ya good idea" Britt said

"Hey!" Logan said "if you guys are tiered you can sleep here!"

"Sleep here!?" Brittany said

"Yea, my parents wouldn't mined two friends sleeping over here, and plus I get lonely"

"Well we don't have anything to wear?" Britt tells Logan

"you can borrow one of my tops" she tells Britt "but I don't have anything for you, Only if you want to wear a nightgown?" Logan jokes with me

"Ya... Not wearing that!" I say while Brittany laughs.

"Then what are you going to wear then"Brittany asks

"I will just sleep with what I'm wearing" I tell her

"Where are we sleeping?" I ask Logan

"We could sleep in the living room?" She asked us

"Ok for sure I will go get ready" Brittany tells us
Brittany's POV

I headed to the washroom and took off my uncontrollable strapless red dress putting one of Logan's tank tops and small shorts. Then I started to take off my makeup and couldn't stop thinking about what happened a hour ago with Trevor, I couldn't believe he was jealous of me kissing Lamar. I think I was going insane but... Is there any chance that Trevor likes me? like not as a friend but something else... I don't really know but anyways, When I was done I got my phone and headed to the living room where Trevor and Logan were and sat beside Trevor on one of the coaches.

"What should we do?" Logan asked

"Logan its really late we should probably go to bed now." I say

"Come on Britt a few more hours won't kill us." Logan begs as Trevor nods his head agreeing

"Ok fine! But what are we going to do then? I asked them

"We should watch a movie!" Logan said with a lot of excitement.

"Yes! We should watch Star Wars or maybe The Avengers cause it is so EPIC! Trevor suggested acting like a nurd.

"Ummm, Trevor remember this not a boys night out type of thing!"
I said to him.

"On second thought, how about we watch The Fault In Our Stars" I said to them.

"OMG! YES! I LOVE THAT MOVIE SO MUCH!! Logan jumped up while she said it.

Trevor's POV
What the heck! I am not watching no stupid The Fault in our moons... Ohh sorry I ment Fault in our stars.... Whatever I don't care!

"Brittany there is no way that I am going to sit and watch this stupid movie for 2 hours!" I screamed

"Please Trevor!" Logan begs

"NO!" I yell

"Come on Trevor! Do it for meeeee??" Logan begged me again

"I already said NO!, we are not watching it!" I screamed

After I screamed it, I felt a cold hand rubbing on my shoulder and someone's head on the other. I didn't know who it was? But when I turned around it was Britt just leaning her head. I started to blush

"Trevor?" Britt said flirtatiously

"Ummm, Yes?" I blushed

"Can we watch it please?"Brittany said quietly but flirtatiously again

"Nnnn.." I didn't finished cause something started distracting me.

Brittany stood up slowly as she went up on her tippy toes. We were 3 inches apart as I looked at her beautiful brown eyes. Now I was started turning bright red. I extremely wanted to say no but somehow Brittany convinced me.

"Ok anything for you Brittany" I stumbled.

She smiled as we were still 3 inches apart. I never acted like this with her, we are such good friends...I DONT KNOW WHY I AM ACTING LIKE THIS!

I kept looking at her gorgeous beautiful eyes not even worrying what Logan was thinking about us. I didn't care one bit, but the only thing I was paying attention to was Britt.

Then I thought....

I had to just try once...

Just once...

And started to lean in...

But what I'm about to do might change everything...
OHHHH CLIFF HANGER!! What do you think Trevor did??? Updating tommorow😏😏😏

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2017 ⏰

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