20 (Settling in Sindra - New Home

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((tw/ implications of past child abuse. Look for ((explaining when to skip))))

~POV Mori~
Since I had just had a bit of a breakdown it felt like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I was able to be excited about shopping with Pisti. Sinbad called this my welcome gift, but this had to also be my reward for everything I'd done up until now. There's no way the amount of money this was going to cost could just be a welcome gift.

My excitement was no match for Pisit's given how she landed in the Palace courtyard on one of those giant birds without warning while I was walking to the Black Libra Tower.

My excitement was no match for Pisit's given how she landed in the Palace courtyard on one of those giant birds without warning while I was walking to the Black Libra Tower

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The first shop was for the "essentials." I finally got a few of those boob tubes that a bunch of people were shown wearing during Maharagan, as well as a few other things I could wear so I wouldn't be naked when surviving the heat. (And period cloths since that was going to happen soon.)

The shops we visited afterwards were clearly the highlight. It's no wonder Pisti loves shopping in Sindria so much, it's a center for merchants and tourists from around the world, so there are shops from just as many countries showing just as many styles. Each shop owner greeted Pisti personally -she was one of the 8 Generals and one of their best customers. Then they would notice me.

"Ah- Who's this with you?" The shopkeeper asked while eyeing my hoodie or me or both-hard to tell.

Then Pisti would introduce me. "This is Mori. She's a Prophet that his Majesty found while he was in Balbadd."

Just like at the past few shops they bickered about who/what I was, and compared the real me to the rumors that had spread during the week I was bedridden. According to them, I had visions of the future that I copied onto scrolls to help everyone, some thought that I was blessed by the Rukh, or that it was a sign from God that I had these visions and had chosen to help Sindria. I thought back to that morning and wondered what came first: these rumors, or the version Sinbad was writing into the next addition of "The Adventures of Sinbad."

After the previous night, I was not expecting to see Ja'far again so soon. He came with the maids delivering my breakfast. It was around the time I thought he normally woke up Sinbad.

"I hope you were able to sleep well."

"I was, thanks for asking." I was too confused to know what else to say. Now that I knew Ja'far didn't hate me, I was able to see how much I had been projecting my fears onto him.

I knew why I did it. Ja'far was shown being physically threatening whenever someone defamed Sinbad. After ranting about the Great Flow and privilege, I had assumed that Ja'far would not only realize that I was talking about Sinbad, but realize the connection between that and the 2nd Calamity. I was afraid that Ja'far would hurt me if I even hinted that Sinbad is the one to cause it. Since I first realized that Ja'far disliked that I wasn't telling them everything, that fear had been growing.

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