Chapter 1

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"Gon! Make sure to come home by supper time!" Yelled Aunt Mito from the front of the house. "Yep!!" Gon gave a thumbs up and ran off into the woods. Gon reached his favorite part of the island. 'This is where me and Killua sat at and watched the stars...' Thought Gon as he sat down. He smiled as he looked up to the sky, 'Killua... I wonder how you're doing...' As Gon watched the clouds in the sky he heard a slight rumbling noise in the bush. Gon looked back, "Who's there?!" No response. 'Maybe it's just an animal...' Thought Gon turning his gaze to the sky. As soon as his gaze went to the sky, he felt a sharp pain at the back of his neck. Everything became dark. Pitch black...


"Sir... I have brought him" said a man as he dumped a body-shaped bag onto the floor. "Ahh... yes, thank you..." Replied a voice from in the shadows. The man in the shadows walked into the light to retrieve the body-shaped bag. The man had long and silky black hair. The black-haired man smirked, "Now that I have him... Kill will finally come home..."


Gon woke up in an dark alleyway. 'Where am I?' Thought Gon. 'Why does my head hurt?' He looked around. "How did I get here?" Gon blurted out. Gon was about to walk out of the dark alleyway until he heard something. Explosions. 'What's going on?' Gon thought, looking into the direction of where he heard the explosions. He could hear people scream and yell. Gon was about to head over to see what was going on when something stopped him. He felt dizzy and tired. All of a sudden it seemed a memory of some sort popped into his mind. But it was all blurry and fuzzy.

"What the heck was that?" Gon said quietly to himself. As Gon tried to stand up a jolt of pain hit him. All of a sudden, a man with black hair and weird yellow goggles appeared on the rooftop. "Hey kid! What are you doing here?" Gon heard the man say from the roof. Gon looked up at the direction of the man, but the sun was blinding him. Gon put a hand over his eyes and replied, "I...I don't know! I just woke up here! I don't remember anything before that!" The man used his scarf thing to come down. "What do you mean?" The man asked as he landed on his feet. 

Gon stared at the man for a while then replied, "I-I don't remember anything up until now..." The man lifted up his yellow goggles. "Ahh... this is going to be a problem..." He mumbled. "Well, do you know your name and parents?" Gon stood there for a moment like he was trying to remember something. "Uhm... my name is Gon... I don't remember anything else..." He said in a low tone. The man sighed then said, "Well kid, nice to meet you. I'm the Pro Hero Eraser Head. But I guess you can call me Aizawa." Aizawa grabbed his phone from his pocket and continued, "Anyways, I'm going to need to take you in, for some questions. Is that alright?" Gon nodded. 


Aizawa and Gon had made it to the Police Station. Aizawa walked up to the front desk and the man working looked up at him. "Hey, Aizawa do you need something?" Asked the man. Aizawa sighed, "Yeah... I found a kid with Amnesia or something and I need Tsukauchi to ask him some questions." The man nodded and continued to type into his computer. Aizawa sat down next to Gon. He looked over at Gon. "Hey kid, are you sure you don't remember anything?" He asked. Gon nodded, "Yeah... All I remember was waking up in that alleyway and seeing you." Then all of a sudden, the door opens. "Aizawa, you wanted to do some questioning, please come with me." Says a lady with a clipboard. Aizawa grabs Gon's hand and follows the women. The women stops in front of a door with a sign 'Questioning room'. "Okay please go in there Tsukauchi is waiting for you two." She said as she started to walk away. The two walk in and is greeted by a man with black hair. "Hello Aizawa. This must be the kid?" He said looking at them as they sit down. Aizawa nods, "Yeah, his name is Gon. He doesn't remember anything expect waking up in an alleyway and meeting me." Tsukauchi starts writing down things on a note pad. "Okay kid, what's your name?" He asks looking at Gon.

"Why are you asking if Aizawa already told you?" Gon asks in confusion. "I'd like you to answer the questions please." Tsukauchi says. "Okay, well It's Gon... I don't remember my last name or anything." Tsukauchi writes this down. "Alright, are you sure you don't remember anything besides waking up in an alleyway and meeting Aizawa?" He asks. Gon nods, "Yes..." Tsukauchi sighs, "Well do you remember how old you are?" Gon pauses for a moment as if he was remembering something. "I'm... 14, almost 15?" He replies after a few moments of thinking. Tsukauchi continues to write this down. He looks at Aizawa and asks, "Well, I don't know what to ask this kid anymore. You have any questions?" Aizawa looks down and then replies, "Gon, what is your quirk?" Gon gives him a weird look. "I don't know what that is..." Tsukauchi puts down his pen and paper on the table. "A quirk is a power which gives you an ability to do something or make something. About 80% of the world has it. The other 20% don't have quirks, their quirkless." Gon nods taking in this information. 'Kinda sounds familiar...' Gon thought to himself. 

"Well, I think that's enough questioning." Tsukauchi says as he begins to look into a yellow file thing. "Since Gon doesn't remember his parents, we'll have to find someone to take care of him." The detective begins to type into his computer. "I could take care of him." Aizawa says. Tsukauchi looks over at him. "Are you sure? Taking care of a teen is a big responsibility, he also doesn't remember anything." Aizawa nods. "Yeah, I'm willing to take on that challenge. Also, I have an entire class of rowdy teens." Tsukauchi laughs. "Alright I'll start making the documents. Why don't you two go into the waiting room, I'll be out in a few minutes." Aizawa and Gon make their way into the waiting room. 

Aizawa looks over at Gon. "Are you sure you're okay with living with me? I can always ask Tsukauchi to change it." Gon nods and smiles, "Yes! I'm alright with it." Tsukauchi walks out of the hallway with a piece of paper. "Alright I've made the documents you just need to sign this to become his legal guardian." The detective says handing Aizawa the sheet of paper. Aizawa signs it and hands it back to Tsukauchi. "Okay kid, I need you to sign this too. You can just put your first name." He says as he hands Gon the sheet of paper. Gon signs his name and hands the paper back. Tsukauchi smiles, "Alright Aizawa your now Gon's legal guardian!" 


Aizawa opens the door to his apartment. Gon looks around. "Woah..." He says to himself. Aizawa sighs knowing that he has to take care of him now. "Aright kid, make yourself at home. Your room in on the left, second door." Aizawa says as he puts down his keys in the drawer. Gon smiles and nods as he heads into his room. The room was kind of plain, it just had a bed and a desk. Gon smiled. 'My very own room!' He thought to himself. He heard Aizawa yell from the hallway, "The bathroom is the right there if you need to use it!" 

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