The One That Got Away (2)

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"Hey Lisa."

"What happened? Are you okay? Which hospital is it?" I hear shuffling in the background.

"I'm okay, I just couldn't sleep."

"Jeez Nini, I thought something bad happened...can we agree that insomnia phone calls start with 'Hey Lili'..not 'Hey Lisa?'" The shuffling stops.

"Sorry....I just can't sleep..." I trail off, there's just too much in my head right now.

"Do you want me to come over?"

"No..I think I'll be fine. Go back to sleep. I'll text you later."

Lisa sighs over the phone, and the shuffling starts again, "I'm on my way."

"What? Lili I'm fine."

"Are you really?"

"Yes. Maybe having a cup of coffee is causing my insomnia."

"Okay...But I'm bringing breakfast later and we're going to talk about this."

"Okay. Goodnight Lili."

"Get some sleep, Nini. Goodnight."


It was around 8am when Lisa barged into my room and forced me out of bed. I really need to change the passcode of that door.

"Wow you really meant it when you said later." I chuckle, grabbing the cup of coffee Lisa had out for me.

"Yes, because the last time.." She trails off, and I don't question it, "I just wanted to hang out too. It's Saturday and you've been such a workaholic that I figured if I stopped you from going to the office today then I can at least spend some time with my best friend."

"Awwww Lili misses her Nini." I tease and Lisa rolls her eyes at me, "Yeah whatever, just help me set the table."


" that breakfast is out of the way, do you want to tell me what's really up with you?" Lisa asks while making herself comfortable on my couch. I knew she wouldn't let what happened earlier go that easy.

"Nothing is going on."


"Lisa." We stare at each other, neither wanting to back down. Two stubborn best friends.

"It's Rosie." Lisa says after a while.

"What about her?"

"You tell me."

"There's nothing to tell we're coworkers..friends."

"You and I both know you and Rosie can't be just friends."

"We can and we are."

"It's only a matter of time, Nini."

"Until what?"

"Until those old feelings resurface."

"You know I've moved on..we've both moved on. It's been years."

"It has...but you know you never really got your closure..the both of you..I mean you just kinda stopped. Was there even a formal end?"

"We didn't really have a break-up..but we both knew that it was over. It was a mutual understanding."

"You only ever said it was over..not really what happened..I know the distance was probably hard on you both, but I don't guys went through high school and part of university together.."

"It wasn't hard at first..the distance." I look down, playing with my fingers...not wanting to remember but remembering anyways.

It was late, the snow outside was piling up higher and higher, I couldn't sleep knowing that in just a few days she'd have to go. I turned to my side, watching as Rosie slept peacefully.

Chaennie Collection Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now