Betrayal ~ Chapter 1

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-All photos are from Pinterest, except the cover. It was made for Quotev which is why it says Savagrey God, my apologies, that is my Quotev account, this story is also on there :] -


Envy. I know this word well, very well. Welcome, dear stranger, to my story. The end of my own, the beginning of another, and eventually the end of that one as well. There are a few things you, the dear reader must remember as you continue to read through my adventures, death is inevitable and unstoppable. Whether it's deserved or not, people are killed, punished, and such, It's sad, no? You can't lie, it is, very sad, but what can you do, life is cruel, and a harsh teacher. Maybe you will learn something from my story, and maybe you won't. It doesn't matter, this all is purely for your entertainment.

Now, where to begin... Ah, my back story perhaps? Well, you don't need to know my name, just know that I came from a clan of warriors. Yes, warriors, it must sound quite strange to you reader, we are from different times after all. I am a woman, head of the clan, and feared by surrounding clans, yes reader you read that right. I am a woman and a warrior, gender roles are a bust. But you must be wondering "How are you the head of your clan" and if you aren't then you are now. See my parents died in battle when I was young. "Oh what a tragedy" is what you must be thinking correct? It was no tragedy to me. My parents married me off to a boy when I was just 5 years old. This was normal in my generation of course. Now, reader, I fell in love with this boy, I fell hard, I became blinded by love. Little did I know this man that I loved with all my heart and being, would be my destruction. Yes reader, my destruction. It's time you're heard of my death.

-Perspective Change-

I stumbled into my bedroom rage practically radiating off of me. "Maid! Get me wine!" My voice boomed loud enough to startle anyone in my estate. Within moments I hear footsteps, and my maid appears in front of me 'Hm, I don't recognize her, maybe she's of Arthur's flock.' I tried to reason with myself as to why I had not seen the maid before, but it bothered me greatly, either way, I set the paranoia to the side. And watched as she poured wine into the glass in front of me. When she finished she walked to my door and stood there, almost as if she was waiting for me to finish my glass. So I did, I gulped it all down. Dizzy, I'm can't think straight, what's happening? Poison? Sedatives? My mind was moving fast it was loud my ears were ringing but before I know it I was on my feet and I slapped the wine out of the maid's soft hands, an echoing, loud yelp erupting from her throat. 'It's too late.' My last thought before I hit the floor with a loud thud, the strength slowly leaving my body, and my mind finally put to rest.

Am I dead?

Where am I?

My head hurts.

My eyes slowly fluttered open to observe my surroundings. The light blinded me, my head was throbbing but when I reached up to touch it. "Chains? Where?..."

-Perspective Change-

Now dear stranger, if you were to wake up in your dungeon with your betrothed and a temptress from another clan looming over you, what would you do? Scream? Cry? It's an interesting question, isn't it?

-Perspective Change-

"Arthur.. why am I in chains and she isn't?" My voice was scratchy but my tone was firm. "I'm sorry" What? Sorry? What is going on? My mind came to a stop when a cold, sharp object was pressed against my stomach. What? No. My mind was racing I couldn't think straight, but I did know this deep feeling of betrayal and sadness would be the last thing I feel. "Arthur, why? Why are you doing this to me?" I didn't understand any of it, it made my blood boil uncomfortably. "I love you, Arthur." The first and last time I'd ever told him that, I could see conflict in his eyes, the internal fight in his mind, and yet dear stranger, he said nothing, he said nothing as that damned temptress signaled to the person holding the knife to my side. Pain, immense pain. An involuntary gasp erupted from my throat as the cold knife slid through my soft skin. I looked up to see Arthur with his back turned and his arm wrapped around her waist. "No, Arthur no, please please don't leave me here!" my small voice came out strangled and raspy, he paused for only a moment then left, closing the door behind him. I had hoped maybe, just maybe he'd turn around and save me, I was wrong, very wrong, and naive.


E, so uhh, my first story on here. Welcome ig. So depending on how well this goesssssss I'll continue to update ig. If it doesn't go well ofc I'll continue to update, but the updates won't be on a schedule and they won't be as rushed as this chapter. I apologize if this is rushed and messy I'll most likely fix it up as I see fit in the near future. Until then Stranger!

( I will be updating on Quotev first/Faster) 

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