chapter 1 - chained up

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Will's Perspective

I glance around the filling room, taking in my surroundings. A floor; concrete, and covered with hay and straw. The walls around me were towering, and I felt so small in here, pining to be free.
I am trapped inside a small cage, inside is two bowls, one for food, the other for water.

The people around me are staring, peering at us with beady eyes, like an owl eyeing up it's prey. Two people catch my eye, both dressed in light blues and whites. From what I've heard, they're the Gleeful twins, popular for the Tent of Telepathy.

They approach the cage beside me, the male just standing their, whilst his twin began to chat to my 'cellmate'.
I continue staring, the male's eyes are so mezmorizing, a bright blue, so clear I could just imagine swimming in them, holding them...
"Oi, look at me!" I feel a harsh rattle on my cage, and turn to look at the cause - a grubby looking man, maybe in his 40's. He's wearing a white vesty shirt, grease and sweat in small patches, and some black jeans.

I feel disgusted and uncomfortable, so I continue to stare at the strangers from before...but... they're gone..

"Hey! Move!" A harsh yet light, angelic voice suddenly shouts. "Hey buddy!" I swiftly turn to look at the figure speaking. "I'm Mabel! You?" She asks. I manage to let out a small whisper, "W-Will. It's nice t-to meet you" My voice begins to trail off. " Finally, one with fucking manners." The male complains. "I want this one!" Mabel exclaims, "Pleeaaase Bro-Bro?" She looks up at him with puppy eyes, wide and teary. "Fine," he sighs, "But if we do buy him, he's mine, alright?"
She replies with a small 'yes' and head off to prepare for the auction...

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