Stuff gets reel

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"Ha ha ha wow a fox bit you so what my dog bites me all the time" he ses you get tery Eyed "WOW I THOUGHT YOU WERE NICE BUT NO YOU ARE A RUDE LITTLE JERK I JUST TOLD YOU SOMETHING ONLY 2 PEOPLE KNOW MY MOM AND YOU!" You start to cry and cover you self with the blanket "what happened she just bit you that's all?" You take the blanket off and sit up and take you hat off and show him a big scar "NOW DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHY I YALLED AT YOU!" You say as you are still crying he walks up to you and hugs you tightly "i am sorry that I was rude to you" you hug back as you start to blush "i...i.i..its ok" and you think am I falling for this guy but I don't even know his name "um hey what's your name?" You ask "oh it mike" he ses.

Ok so hope you liked it
Cuz That's all you gonna get for a bit
And yes you are the victim of the BiTe Of 1987 so you can ask me stuff in the comments if you want bye bye-Natalya Rose Webb ^_^

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