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{Vic's pov}

I am shopping today with el and Bri but eleanor is very Off since we came into the mall.. so now we're sitting at a restaurant.. waiting for our lunch when eleanor's phone starts buzzing

'Who's that??'

'No one..'

*and she tursn her phone  Qiuckly*

'el who is that???'

'Uhhh... damiano...'

'Why are you not picking up??'

*Brianna says while their lunch is served*

'Uhh we got into a little fight again no biggy..'

'El we know you're lying who is calling you??'

'No one!.. i mean why do you even ask?? It's none of your bussiness B'

'Jesus.. sorry i asked..'

'El can we talk after lunch?? Please??'

'Yea sure vic..'

*after some time* *after lunch* *at The må house*
*in vic's room*

{Eleanor's pov}

'Soo..  el who called you??'

'Uhh stefano.. my ex.. he knows that i am pregnant.. and..'

'Is he the father???'

'No..damiano is but i went to the doctor this moring so.. and uhm i got the results right after..'

'Okay..so why is he calling you???'

'Uhh because i saw him... when uhm me and damiano had fight and after that i found out i was pregnant.. but me and dami.. had.. uhm so yeah it's his baby..'

'okay.. but that doesn't awnser my qouestion...'

'Yeah well he wants to see me again but i don't and now he is calling me...'

'But you love damian right?? I mean you don't wanna get back with him right??'

'Nooo... there is now way.. he treated me like sh!t.. soo yeah..'

'Okay.. but..'


'Did you do anything with him???'



'Well we did remember when we were going out??'

'Yeah i remember..'


'HaAhaha.. ViC cOme oN...'

'Nooo... i am to drunk... you gO gIrl...'


'Sooo el.. are you comming with me??'

'StefAno... i cAn'tttt...'

'Ohh come onn amoree.. just one night...  i would love to feel your body against mine again..'

'StEfanO i can'ttt... i hAve dAmianOo...'

'Uhh but is he here now???'



'OKay... i am gOing...'

'Good girl...'

{end of the flashback}

'But.. does damiano know that y-..'

'Yeah he knows..but he wasn't very happy about it but i wanna tell him tonight..that the baby is his..so..'

'Okayy buutt can i ask you something???'

'Yes ofcourse vic..'

'Is it a boy or a girl??'

'It's a boy..!!'

'Awww!!... that's so cutee! Omgsh congratss your having a boy...'

*vic says while she hugs her*

'Thank you.. vic..'

'Wait???babe we're having a boy???'

Sh!t damiano...

{Damiano's pov}

I just came upstairs to see what's taking so long for el to come down stairs cause vic wanted to talk to her..and we're about to leave soon to her house so...

'Wait???babe we're having a boy???'


'and  the baby is mine?i am the father??'

'Yes dami!...'

'Omgg babe! That's amazingg!!'

*he says while he walks up to her and hugs her*

'I love you so much amore.. and i am so happy..'

'I love you to damiano... and i am happyto..'

'Aww!! Cuteee!'


*they both say at the same time while they start laughing*

'Ahaha i am going downs stairs to see what the other two are doing...'

'Hahah yes we're about to leave soon so..'

*eleanor says while damiano takes her into his room*

'Babee??.. we can't ha-..'

'I wasn't planning to..i just wanna have some alone time with you before we go ? Okay??'

'Yeah uh sure..'

'Babee..don't worry i know we can't do anything but that doesn't mean we can't cuddle..'

'Aww yeah... '


Okayy cuteee🙊🙊🥺 well uhm enjoy! And see you next timee!😘😘

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