Ceris x Lance: Lovers No Longer

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Ceris and Lance didn't always get along. They argued and bickered until everyone else was annoyed. But still, they were friends.

However, they were also very different. Lance lived in the Outer Void Islands of the End and had lots and lots of self-confidence in his power. Ceris lived on the main End Island and was humble yet confident as well (just not nearly as much as Lance).

Lance traveled from his home in the Void Islands to Ceris's tower on the Main Island often. He planned times where Gwendolyn the Archenchantress, Vordus the Dragonseer, and Zeganirn of the Endstone Deltas could all meet too. They'd joke around and discuss their responsibilities of ruling. Most of the time, Lance traveled alone. But this time was very different.

Lance traveled to Ceris's tower, as usual, but he was distracted. He knew Ceris wouldn't agree with what he wanted to discuss. But Lance wasn't very worried. With his charming ways, he'd surely persuade her. He juggled his karambits as his End Ships neared the Main Island.

Ceris's POV:

I looked out of my tower window and saw Lance's ships approaching. A few seconds later, an enderman friend knocked on my door to notify me that Lance was here. After my friend left, I gazed out the window again. I hadn't realized it, but I had a stupid grin slapped across my face. I wiped it off, teleported outside, and waited.

Third-person POV:

Lance stepped out of his ship, hearing the sound of his boots against the endstone. As usual, he greeted Ceris outside of her tower.

"Hello, Ceris," Lance said, a smile on his face. "Hi, Lance," Ceris said. She looked around. "Why all the armies?" Lance shrugged. "No reason. Are the others here?" Ceris felt there was no reason to be suspicious of Lance; he had calmly responded to her question like it was any other question she had. "Yep, they're inside," she said.

As usual, they discussed what they'd done in their kingdoms since they last saw each other. Gwen and Lance chatted about magic while Ceris, Vordus, Zeganirn talked about battle strategy. 

<<Time skip because>>

They stayed in Ceris's tower for a few days before Gwen, Vordus, and Zeganirn had to return to their respective kingdoms. The friends bid their goodbyes. Lance decided to stay behind a little longer.

"Ceris, my queen," Lance began slowly, "I wanted to ask you something." Ceris chuckled, as she thought it sounded weird when Lance called her that. "Yes, my king?" she answered back jokingly. "I was thinking... um... how would you feel about ruling... together?" said Lance, unsure of himself for the first time in a while.

Ceris looked a little confused. "What do you mean?" Lance thought of things to say. "Well... do you ever feel you could rule more than just your own kingdom?" Ceris still didn't understand. "Lance, what are you saying? Do you want to... join kingdoms with Gwen, Vordus, and Zeg, or..." Ceris trailed off.

Lance chose his next words carefully. "Well... not exactly join, but more so... join under our rule?"

"You want us to... rule Gwen's and the others' kingdoms as well as our own?"


"Lance, are you talking about taking over our friends' kingdoms?!"

"You make it sound so horrible, my dear," Lance said nervously. Ceris was growing more and more sure that's what Lance meant. "That's what you're saying, isn't it?"

Lance's POV:

I wanted to lie. I wanted to just brush it off. Lance, you idiot, I thought to myself. She clearly disapproves. I realized then that was what I was saying. What was I thinking? Was this my selfishness or my love for Ceris?

It's definitely your selfishness. No, it must be my love.

Ceris looked almost angry now. "Lance... why?" I was actually nervous now. Look what you did.

"I-I love you, Ceris. So maybe..."

"I love you too, Lance. I really do. But I think this is too much."

I couldn't convince myself to pick a side. Just do it anyway. This is all for her, remember?

"I'm so sorry..."


Third-person POV:

Lance sent an arcane blade into Ceris's arm, pinning her to the wall. Her shock prevented her from blocking it and she only watched as Lance teleported outside.

<<Time skip again>>

Ceris finally managed to get herself free from the blade. She grabbed her Ender Greatsword, and teleported outside. She was furious to see that Lance's armies were attacking Dragonspire. She spotted Lance atop an obsidian pillar. Apparently, Zeganirn and Gwendolyn already saw what was going on and came to help. The Ender Dragon spoke to Vordus, so he came there too.

Ceris teleported onto the pillar Lance was on. Unsheathing her Greatsword, her glowing Ender eyes were filled with newfound hatred for the man. Ceris swung her Greatsword, but Lance sensed her presence and blocked it with his karambits. Every time their blades clashed together, memories filled their minds. Every whistle of Lance's karambits and high-pitched noise of his magic reminded them of when they were still lovers. Every hum of Ceris's armblades and clang of her sword reminded them of how they would argue but always become friends again.

But this time, they both knew they wouldn't be lovers any longer.

Lance's Voidlings and Vexes fought against Zeg, Gwen, Vordus, and the endermen, turning Dragonspire into a battlefield. Gwendolyn had opened a portal to the Overworld and had already knocked some Vexes into it. Lance and Ceris brought their fight down to ground level. Ceris slashed and stabbed at Lance, who dodged and blocked her vicious attacks.

Lance's POV:

Just hit her already! I can't!

I couldn't bring myself to fight Ceris. She meant so much to me... You're so stupid!

I am! I'm dumb! Why did I betray her like this?!

Third-person POV:

Lance's thoughts distracted him and Ceris knocked him to the ground. She pointed her Greatsword at his neck. Her hand trembled and tears fell from her eyes. "Why..."

Lance had given up. He knew what was going to happen, and he wasn't going to fight it. He didn't care if his army was winning or losing. He didn't care that he was banged up and bruised and Ceris wasn't. He didn't even care that he, too, was crying. "I don't know... and I'm sorry..."

Lance put his hands up, surrendering to Ceris. Wiping the tears from her eyes, Ceris dragged Lance up to his feet. The fighting all halted. Gwendolyn teleported over and shoved Lance towards the Overworld portal. Ceris spoke in a quivering voice at first, but it became stronger with every word:

"Lance, Lord of the Void Islands, you are banished from this realm. Leave, and don't ever return."

Lance nodded and whispered, "I will always love you, my queen..."

He vanished into the dark portal.


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Damn 1135 words

Sorry if you don't like it, I tried :]

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