In 1 Samuel 1 : 2 🔝 it introduces Hannah. Well Hannah was married to a man named Elkanah, and every year he would take his two wives up to the temple in Jerusalem. Hannah could not have children and was sorrowful,so while up there and it was time to eat she didn't eat or drink anything.
After their dinner she immediately went to the temple and prayed. She spoke to God in her heart and asked God to give her a son and if He did she would give him back to the Lord. So the time came for them to go home and she figured out she was going to have a baby. The time came and she gave birth to a son who was named Samuel which means asked of God. Hannah had great faith when she prayed she knew that God would answer her prayer. Do we have faith like Hannah we need to try to have faith. Here are some ways to increase your faith; read your Bible ,reading the Bible will help increase your faith when you read His promises and about the miracles that Jesus preformed. Leading someone to Christ and seeing the Holy Spirit work in that person.Well this is all for Hannah please comment tell me what you think can increase a persons faith. Tell me also who to wright about.