Monster Rookie (Furuya X Reader)

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Chapter 1

You were daydreaming in class, until you got interrupted by Sawamura's loud wierd snoring sounds. Haruno, a fellow team manager tapped you on the back and encouraged you to help her wake him up as he was deaf to her struggles.

Of course all your efforts were shut down and he snored on. The first string training has been really hard and long afterall.

You were carrying boxes of balls to the storeroom as requested from the upperclassmen, as you entered you stepped on something warm and felt it move, causing you to fall over. The balls rolled out in all directions and there were adleast a million of them!

"What the hell?" You cursed turning back to see what was the thing you stepped on. It was Furuya, a first year the same as you but in a different class. You only ever watched him from practise and you never really saw him anywhere else.

" Who sleeps on the floor just a metre away from the door?" You asked angrily. Picking up all the balls ,it was going to ruin your plans that later evening and waste your time.

"Who are you?" He asked sleepily

" Are you going to help me pick these up, its your fault you know" You said ignoring his question.

"Im too hot. Too sleepy" he replied settling down again.

You threw a ball at him knowing full well it could seriously hurt him , but you completely missed, it bounced just centimetres away from his face. This woke him up for sure.

"All these balls, makes me want to pitch" He said helping me pick them up.

" Finally" you sighed " How could you say that when your clearly missing practice? Its obvious you value your sleep more."

He blatantly ignored me.

" Whatever..." You mumbled

After 10 or so minutes you were done.

"That was faster than expected!" You said happily standing up and stretching.

"Whats your name?" He asked standing up aswell

"(name). Anyway im off" You said beginning to walk past him.

You felt a cold hand grab your wrist.

"Why are you hands so coold?!" You shrieked.

He didnt reply (this guy didnt talk much), he just stared at you for a few seconds.

Your heart started to beat faster.

"W...what is it?" You asked.

"You forgot to thank me" He said.

You tugged your wrist free and walked off shouting

"yes you were such a biiig help!" sarcastically.

Later that day when it was quite dark, you left your dorm to get some juice from the vending machine. Only to see him again.

"Oh its you."

"Is that all you have to say?" you said annoyed.

"I dont remember your name" He replied

"Your hopeless" You huffed. You took a sneak peak at him in the light of the vending machine, turns out you were looking for too long because you noticed he was looking back.

You coughed nervously and grabbed your drink.

"Your in Sawamura's class right?" He asked

"Yeah, why are you jelous?" You took the risk to say this out of your own curiosity.

He totally blanked you again, which made you blush really hard. This guy really knew how to humiliate people!

"What if i said yes?" He said, suprising you that this guy could actually continue a conversation.

"Then i wouldnt mind" You replied looking away from him. You could feel his gaze burning into you which made the blush spread everywhere. I guess you kind of did like furuya just a bit.

After late night practice the next day you and the other managers bought riceballs over to the team who were very thankful. You loved watching them deserve good food after ethe harsh extra practice they devoted themselves to.

"I'm suprised you actually were running instead of sleeping" You told furuya and you sat next to him.

"shes right you should just lay back and let me improve ahead of you! " Sawamura said really loudly (as usual)

Furuya ignored the both of us (as usual)

"Whats up with you ignoring me too?" You said pouting

"Im not ignoring you. What is there to say?" He asked

"Its ok dont push yourself, you cant help your really unsocial. Do you really want to be around someone like him (name)?" Miyuki, the catcher asked.

"What are you talking about, im always around all of you" you said really fast.

"Yeah right, last night...vending machine..." He teased.

"Stop spouting random words, they make no sense to me" You said nervously

"You actually forgot something that happened the other day?" Furuya mumbled with a straight face, not aware he completely busted your efforts of denying it. Causing Miyuki and the others to cry of laughter at your face.

You quickly stood up and grabbed Furuya's wrist and dragged him away from the noise and the group, to an isolated bench.

"You really read my mind back there and did the right thing" You said sarcasticly.

"Thats good" He replied absent mindedly. You rolled your eyes.

Soon after you caught him looking and your eyes connected.

You both mantained eye contact for a while until he looked away, a very faint trace of red visible on his cheek in the moonlight.

"Are you blushing?" You said, you felt a wierd sensation of happiness building up inside.

"Furuya, I really like you" You said blushing, you would have thought confessing would have been nerve-racking but you felt really relieved and happy even before his response.

"I cant really express things the way others would, so I dont know if you would be ok with m-"

"Are you kidding?!" You exclaimed "This is the most you've ever said to me, and its fine! theres some things i can see on your face that even you cant hide" You smiled cheekily, stroking his cheek. You saw him lean foward and you closed your eyes and parted your lips, waiting to feel his-

Instead you felt something warm and heavy on your lap and to your suprise, Furuya had fallen asleepon your lap?? At a moment like this...

You stopped to admire his cute peaceful face and you stroked his hair gently, earning a sleepy hum from him.

"My legs are getting numb, I cant feel my legs Furuya. Nap time is over." You said trying to shake him awake. Nothing you did was working.

"OK seriously? Your worse than Sawamura sleeping in the classroom!" You huffed queitly to yourself. But despite it barely being audible, his eyes snapped open. I guess with their intense rivalry those were not the words he wanted to hear.

"Sorry" He said "What were we here for again?"

"Nothing" You sighed standing up and stretching.

"It was supposed to be a joke" You felt those cold hands (again) wrap around your waist and pull you in. His warm lips touching yours, both of you melted into a sweet intense kiss that robbed you of all oxygen.

"Was that your first kiss?" You asked, wondering how he knew how to kiss so well.

He hummed yes in reply. I guess he is a Monster Rookie for other things too (hopefully XD)

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