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A few things about who knows who, family relations, backstory, a little about each person, fan art, and uploading schedule.

Dream: He's a quiet bottom who is bisexual. (I feel like there aren't enough fanfics where dream is the bottom)  He's best friends with sapnap and talks to him about almost everything. He had a girlfriend back in high school but broke up when collage started. Once he finished collage he's stayed single. He's great at coding so in his free time he streams Minecraft plugins with Sapnap on twitch. He's a small streamer and averages around 50-100 viewers. He's 25 in this fanfic.

George: He's openly a pansexual who loves giving affection to everyone. He's very confident in his more feminine side. He's most definitely a top. He's also very loud and out there, but when he's tired he gets very quiet and even more cuddly than usual. He knew he was pan around high school when he got a boyfriend. The boyfriend was toxic and slightly abusive so George was stuck in the relationship until Wilbur found out about it and broke them up. He still has nightmares and ptsd from his past relationship. He's 23 in this fanfic. He's a very large twitch streamer who averages around 100k Viewers. He's a variety streamer who plays all kinds of different video games.

Wilbur: Wilbur is George's brother who moved with him to Florida. He went to Miami a few months before George so he already has a house and room mate. (Niki) His relationship with Niki is strictly platonic. (Please respect her and Wilbur's boundaries and don't make any romantic comments concerning them or i will mute you) He's the one George goes to when he has any type of trouble.

Patches: A literal queen. She likes to cuddle with dream but when she meets George she basically ignores dream and gives all her attention to George. If I feel like it, I'll add her POV in a few chapters. She will definitely be mentioned almost every chapter that I'm able to get her in. I won't add George's cat because it would take away the attention from my beloved Patches. Some would say that she's the most important character in this entire story *cough* me *cough* so she might have a few chapters with her pov (idk I'll see how I feel when I get there) 

Fanart: All fanart on top of the chapter isn't mine unless I say otherwise. Its all from Pinterest and other dnf fanfics on wattpad.

Uploading schedule: A new chapter will be uploaded every Saturday :D

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