Chapter 1. Leaving the U.K.

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A/N I listened to the Icarly theme on repeat while writing this- so if the writing is bad, blame it on Carly and her catchy song.

TW: verbal self hate

I'll mark where it starts, and if you skip I'll put a recap at the bottom of the chapter.

George POV:

I arrived in Miami Florida with Wilbur around 7 PM (or 12 PM in London) and we didn't have a car so we got an Uber to my apartment. We got there within 20 minutes and were jet lagged so we went to sleep without eating dinner.

✨time skip to the next morning✨

I woke up on my bed and walked out to the living room to see Wilbur still asleep on the couch. I checked the time and did a double take as I realized that we slept 13 hours so I woke him up and he got a Uber to a rental car agency and got a nice dark blue Ferrari.

He picked me up to go grocery shopping. We got some basic necessity's before he had me drop him off at his house. After I put the food away, I started unpacking and letting the memories unravel.

*flashback* (George and Wilbur are talking in George's room)

"Look George, we need to tell mom and da about the real reason you broke up with Aiden."

"Wilbur you don't understand" I try reasoning with him,

"What don't I understand about this? You had a toxic relationship, broke up, and now I'm telling you that you should tell mom and dad about it"

"They would be disappointed in me"

"They will completely understand and they won't blame you for breaking up if you tell them the actual truth. They deserve to know what happened George"

"Are you sure about this Wilbur?"

"Of course I am. Lets talk to them about it in the living room"

"Ok.. Can you talk to them for me? I'm kinda nervous"

"Sure, but when they ask you for facts or if its true then you have to answer"

"Ok lets go"

I hesitantly walked downstairs with Wilbur and called our parents over.

"Hey George, Wilbur, whats wrong?" my mom asks. Wilbur speaks for me and says,

"So me and George have something to tell you. The real reason George and Aiden broke up is because Aiden was toxic and verbally abusive to him"

"George is this true?" my parents ask in concern. I slowly nod my head while looking down in shame.

"I'm so sorry that happened to you, I wish we could have prevented it. Do you feel comfortable sharing what he did to you?"

I nod and tell them what happened.

"So um.. He would regularly put me down and tell me that I was worthless.."

My parents looked sad and horrified at what I had told them. They asked if he had done anything else, so I nodded again and told them

"He would go out and cheat, make me feel like I was a horrible boyfriend, then he would come home and convince me that we loved each other. Even though our relationship is over, he still harasses me and spams me."

We went over the specifics of the relationship and when certain events happened. My parents came up with the idea of me and Wilbur moving to America. We mulled over the idea for a while before agreeing to move.

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