A bloody fight

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"Vi, watch out!" I yelled as I quickly pushed vi out the way. We just so happened to be in the middle of a fight. I got punched straight in the face. "Y/n!" Vi shouted. She caught me as I fell backward. We we're in a tough spot. We were surrounded by Silico's goons. There were only two of us and five of them. Vi's atlas gauntlets were busted. We were utterly and completely fucked. I pushed Vi again. This time this guy had a baseball bat, it had nails and barbed wire. "Oh fuc-" I was cut off by the bat hitting me in the side of the head.

My vision went black. I was still conscious though. I could hear vi's screams, I could smell the blood, I could hear the contact of Vi's punches. I was in so much pain. "Just give up," A dark-sounding voice arose from the loud sounds of fighting. It was Silco. Vi managed to power up one of her atlas gauntlets. She was able to take at least three of them out. I couldn't see what was happening but I tried my best to try and wake up. She needed my help. I need to show I'm not weak, that I'm brave. I managed to open my eyes. I couldn't get up. Vi's face was covered in blood. Shit, she was about to get hit from behind. I mustered up the strength to move my hand, I grabbed the goon's ankle and tripped him before he could get to Vi.

He kicked my hand and got up. Shit. I managed to push myself up onto my feet. I stumbled closer to one of the goons. I tried to throw a punch but t was slow and weak. He grabbed my hand and kneed me in the stomach. "GAH!" I sounded. Blood spurted out my mouth. I Saw a vile of shimmer attached to his belt. Should I grab it? I looked over, Vi was pinned up against a wall. A girl with a robotic arm was aggressively hitting her. Fine. I grab the vile and down it. All I could feel was the pain of my veins popping out of my skin. This must have been a diluted version, my wounds still weren't healed. "Y/n no!" Vi yelled.

It was too late, the shimmer had already taken effect. I could feel the pure rage building up inside of me. I stepped closer to the idiot attacking vi, "Step the fuck back!" I growled. The lady let go and stumbled backward. I punched her in the face, blood spurting out my knuckles. The shimmer completely numbed my body. I couldn't feel the pain of my broken bones or my head. I turned around just as another guy was going in for a punch. I grabbed his fist and squeezed, I heard his bones crunch. I spotted Silico running away. It was a bit too late for me to catch up with him. His people were picking up there injured and crawling away.

And just like that, the fight was over. I felt all the pain rush back, shit. I passed out again. I heard Vi and Ekko's muffled voices as I came to. my vision was blurred. There was a high pitch ring in my ears and I was seeing black dots in my vision. "Damn, that bat to the head must have fucked her up," Ekko said with worry. I couldn't move. Damn, is this how I die? Well, I guess it's worth it if I died saving my only friends. I felt myself drifting away again, but before I could I felt something cold and wet get splashed in my face.

"We need to get her to a doctor.' Vi said. Her voice was so disappointed. I shouldn't have taken the shimmer. but we were both going to die if I didn't. This wasn't my fault. Fuck my vision went black again. This time I woke up in a hospital bed. I heard an unfamiliar voice start to speak. "Well, it looks like she has a severe concussion, severe brain damage, and a broken wrist. Her skull was severely cracked on impact, and she has severe bruising. When you take her home you're going to have to watch for the signs of internal bleeding, it could end up happening at a later date while her skull is healing. But other than the medication she needs to take, and the cast, I just suggest she gets bed rest." I heard the doctor walk out of the room. This situation was so stressful. I decided to just go back to sleep. This was the last place I wanted to be.


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