"# 7 Accepting..!.."

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Author pov...

The bullet about to shoot y/n but
Jimin pulled her towards him......!!

Jennie: argh..!! Today no one can save from me...!!

*bang bang*

Everyone got starlet....

Many cops came inside the building....

With y/n and vminkooks parents....

Cop1: put the gun down or we will not hesitate to shoot you....!!

Jennie again try to shoot...but her gun was empty...she threw the gun on floor aggressively...!!

Cop2: arrest her...and him...!!

Jennie: no you can't do that...without any investigation...!!

Cop1: you don't have to tell me that...!!

Then some cops arrested them...!!

Then jennie started crying loudly...

Jennie: i am sorry y/n....now i understand how wrong i was...please forgive me...i feeling very guilty....

Jungkook: you asking for forgiveness...how u tryed to kill her.. how can she forgive you...

Y/n really felt bad for her..she loved them that's why jennie did this crime..
Y/n thought for some minutes and said..

Y/n: it's ok jungkook i guess she is really guilty...i forgive you jennie...

Jennie: then can u hug me for the last time...

Y/n pov..

Huh why does she want to hug me so suddenly but she is definitely going to jail if she hug me or not..

I guess it's ok

Y/n: ummm ok...

Jennie came to me and hugged me ...i also hugged her back..

I suddenly felt a rush of pain in my stomach

And  let out a loud scream...

I thought She is guilty i shouldn't have hugged her...

But i regret it now...

I again let out loub scream....

Then everything black out....

When I opened my eyes...i was in hospital room...

i was in hospital room

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I looked around...a smile formatted in my lips...3 baby's are sleeping beside me....

I tried to sit up...but i felt very hurt in my abdomen...

They woke by my sudden move...

Jimin: are you ok y/n...!!

Jungkook: don't move let me help you...!!

Tae: are you feeling good...!!

Y/n: hmmm i want to talk about the lie i told guys that I am not you aunt-

Jungkook: we already know everything...mom told us...

I gulped in fear...are they angry...

I asked hesitantly..

Y/n: soo are you gonna accept my love....

Jimin: we thought about it....

Tae: you waited for us very long ryt...

Y/n: yes...

Jungkook: we are the real fool ...... our true love is waiting for us but we didn't know that...we keep telling that we are not interested uncles daughter....!! But in the last we fall for her...!! and this time we are not Going to repeat the same mistake of ditching u....

Jimin: we will surely accept you love....

Y/n: I love you guys (hugged them)

Vminkook: we love you too aunty...

Y/n: uhh don't call me that i am your girlfriend not aunty...!!

Mr. Kim: we are also here...!!

Mrs. Kim: but i guess we are invisible...!!

Y/n: oh sorry guys i didn't saw you...!!

Mrs. Jung: it's ok....so everything is fine now...then we should prepare their marriage...!!

Mr. Jung: yeah...children's do u have any problem in it...!!

Vminkook: NO we don't have any problem....

Y/n: m-me too...(shy)

Jimin: you look more beautiful while blushing...!!(whispered)

I blushed hard...he is sooo flirty...

To be continued------

"𝙊𝙪𝙧 𝙔𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙜 𝘼𝙪𝙣𝙩𝙮 (vminkook ff)" "imagine by yourself"Where stories live. Discover now