A town full of regular people! Not a single pirate or marine in sight. The best possible outcome for Jabra's current situation. There were food stands everywhere, which only made him hungry. He did have some money with him leftover from their street performance, but he had to be frugal until something gave. Especially after his funds have been dwindling after the last two nights he stayed at the hotel.
There were weird contraptions lined up on the street, seemingly belonging to one person. He didn't have much interest in them, but he did see that on all of them, the words "Silver Star", was written on them. "Silver star?" What the hell is that", Jabra asked. He was too tired to care really. Even though he stayed the night at the hotels, he had not gotten any sleep. His thoughts kept him awake all night! As of recent, he began to developed a fear of abandonment. He was not as emotionally stable as the rest of his teammates. Definitely more stable than Kumadori yes, but nonetheless. It all started with his childhood. He did nothing but train and train to work for the damn government. Any time he had outside of it to interact with others was usually fist to fist. They were NEVER encouraged to talk about their feelings, or show mercy on anyone who might be upset, or any of the sort. Then there was Gatherine....the so called "love of his life" who didn't really love him as much as he thought. Gatherine was only with him until Rob Lucci reappeared. She then broke up with him in hopes that she could get with Lucci...which ultimately backfired on her. Lucci would never become romantically involved with anyone, at least not someone more like Lucci himself. It did give Jabra a slight sense of satisfaction to see Lucci ignore her every attempt at trying to score with him, but in the end, it was still a loss for Jabra. He ended up with NOBODY! Then there was the constant reminder that his group just split, almost after finally becoming friends...was HE the problem? HE didn't know EVERYTHING that went on with others, but they never seemed to expose any turmoil. Everyone HE got close to abandoned him, whether it be his fault or another reason.
"Hey, are you looking for someone", a random islander asked?
"No not in particular, I just need a job or something."
"Ah well that's convenient" the villager replied.
"What? You can give me work", Jabra asked excitedly.
"Nope, sadly I cant", he replied with a laugh. But there are all kinds of people here looking for work. Not only that, there are all kinds of people here looking for an extra hand. You just gotta look around. Sorry, I have to go now, my boss is riding my ass", he said as he hurried over to a tall female. More than likely it was his boss. She was very easy on the eyes, but something about her made Jabra shiver. She was probably a very dominant kind of woman.
Considering Jabra's previous line of work, it was best to keep a low profile. The horrible thing about it is that he couldn't legally fill out an application of any kind, lest he wanted the marines to hunt him down. The residents didn't take too kindly to him wanting to waive the application signatures and turned him away. "Just gotta look around....oh! I think he meant that literally", Jabra said as he stared at a help wanted sign on the tree. "A sign from the heavens, or whatever! Wait! Is this one of those too good to be true things? I don't even know what they need help with, but guess I dont have much of a choice. Lets see....A black house just along the other side of the woods with a silver star on top, it says. That sounds like it would stick out like a sore thumb.....It was too bad that Jabra stopped halfway through, because he didn't see that he would need a certain past experience to work at the place!
Jabra scanned the woods, and saw a few different houses within them, but the black house with a silver star shaped billboard on top stood out just like he thought it would. "Ha! That was easy!" Outside he could see multiple contraptions. "Wait a minute....silver star? Is it possible it may have a correlation?" A loud boom was heard coming from the house, and even the door had blown down. "What the hell was that!?" Jabra quickly ran over to the house, with smoke covering the area around. His vision was much too improved to be thrown off by a few clouds. Carefully, and cautiously he peeked in through the doorway, and saw all kinds of weird vials lined up on a table. Some had green liquids, some had blue liquids, yellow, purple, all kinds of colors filled different vials. He could hear someone inside coughing, soon enough after the smoke cleared, he saw someone sitting on the ground. He was still coughing, due to the smoke. "Hey! What um...what happened", Jabra asked.
Cp9's Independent Adventures
FanfictionAfter finding out that Lucci and Kaku want to continue working for the government, the rest of the former cp9 members decide to stay behind and start new lives for themselves. It wont be easy considering they have to start from nothing. However, aft...