𝟓 -- 𝐃𝐞𝐣𝐚 𝐕𝐮

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"Good morning, mom." I said and walk up to her and kisses her cheeks, while she was cooking.

"Good morning to you too, sweetie." She smiled at me --- I walk towards the table as I waited for her to finish cooking.

I looked around trying to find someone. "Where's dad?" I glanced at my mom again to be surprised that she is already beside me, placing the plate in front of me. Bread w/ eggs.

"Oh, he left to work early."

"Really? We've been just here for almost two weeks already and he already has a lot of work for a reason to come to work early? He's been always like this since the day we moved here " I sighed because of my father's attitude --- and yes, we've been here for almost two weeks. Two weeks since my father became like this. He was never like this, he used to drive me to school and even pick me up, but nothing. But the only thing that disappoints me is that, why can't I just understand him? Besides his job is a policeman, they work 24/7. They rarely get a dayoff, sometimes weekends should've been their dayoffs, but city needs them.

My mom held my hand that was on top of the table and rubbed it with her thumb. "I know, but, sweetie, you know he's trying his best to be here. But maybe he really has a lot of work --- and I know he'll suddenly be here early in the morning and be home early too, like how he does when we were at Detroit."

"I guess so... It's just all new to me, the way he's acting, I almost didn't see him for the whole week, I only see him on weekends. But he's out too." After that, I didn't much talk about my father anymore and just decided to eat my bread and head to school. As I place my plate on the sink, we heard a knock from our front door. I heard mom's footsteps and soon I heard the door open.

Then I heard Peter's voice. "Good morning, Mrs. Jones. I would like to walk your daughter on the way to school if that's ok?" My mom fell silent, I know what she was thinking.

"Ana!! Peter's here!!" I grabbed my bag from the couch and walked beside my mom. "He said he would like to walk you to your school, is that ok with you?" She's giving me the looks, I just can't.

"Mom, he asked for your permission, not me." I mumbled so Peter couldn't hear it.

"Of course, Peter. You could." My mom smiled at him and pushed me out of the house. "Enjoy school, sweetie!" She waved goodbye and before she closed the door, she winked at me.

I glanced at Peter who was watching the both of us until my mom fully closed the door. "Sorry, we're always like that." I laughed awkwardly and began to walk.

"Have you guys been always that close?" He chuckled and put his hand on his pockets.

"Yeah, you could say that." And then I remembered that I never got to see Peter's parents, just talks about his auntie. I wanted to ask him, but I was afraid that something isn't right.

"Go on." I looked at him, looking at him this close made me already see his face clearly, he's really cute, like a nerdy-cute.

"I... I just wanted to ask where you're parents are --- but at the same time I didn't want to, it just feels so wrong for me to ask." I chuckled nervously, but to my surprise, he answered my question.

"They're long dead." He said like it didn't even affect him.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked." I now regret it.

"No, it's ok. They actually died in a plane crash."

"You didn't have to talk about it anymore further, I understand." I smiled reassuringly at him and he smiled back. I didn't realize that we were crossing the road until I heard a car honking --- everything around me just turned into slow motion.

I glanced at the car coming in my direction. Then a hand grabbed my arm and pulled me back to where I was before. My hands landed on a hard chest and two arms wrapped around my body. I looked up to see Peter looking at me with a worried expression written all over his face. We looked back at the car who was now driving away. I caught my breath and rewind everything that just happened.

Peter pulled away a little to see my face. "Are you alright?" I smiled and pulled away fully from his grip, I shouldn't feel this... whatever this feeling is.

"Yes yes, thank you." I chuckled nervously and began to walk away not even waiting for Peter to follow me. Why am I feeling this?? This isn't right, I shouldn't be feeling this way towards him.


The whole period of my class just ended and now I'm in front of my locker getting the things I needed and putting away the things I don't need. When someone suddenly shut the locker door in front of my face. I looked at the owner of the hand to see, Flash. Of course, it's him, it was always him.

"You've been ignoring me lately, babe." He then cups my cheeks with his hands.

"Excuse me? First of all," I pushed his hand away from my face. "Don't touch me especially with those filthy hands of yours. And second of all, who are you to call me babe. Third of all, who are you to complain?"

He just scoffed. And was about to touch me one more time when Peter appear in front of my view. Standing in front of me, his back facing me. I examined his figure, this is how tall Spider-Man is, and the way he covered me with his whole body just gave me deja vu.

"She said don't touch her, didn't she? Right, Ana?" He looked at me over his shoulder, like Spider-Man did. I shouldn't be comparing them to each other, right? But I just did, I did it several times.

I nodded my head and Peter looked at Flash again. They were glaring at each other until Peter grabbed my wrist and pulled me from the scene until another hand grabbed me from my other wrist. I couldn't hold back anymore and just pulled my wrist from Peter's grip and punched Flash right in the face, causing him to stumble back and fall right on his back. He touched the area I punched and his nose started to bleed, touching it as he felt blood coming out from his nose.

"Don't you know who my father is?" He scoffed still on the floor and now people were watching us.

"Why? Your mother didn't tell you?" I smirked at him and grabbed Peter's hand. "Let's go, Peter." I pulled him and started walking.

We finally walked out of the school and stopped, watching the cars passing by before I continued moving, but before that. I felt someone squeeze my hand and I looked at it to see that I'm still holding onto Peter. I glanced upward to see his reaction, but he doesn't even complain. I pulled back my hand, but he quickly caught it and held it against his again.

"Just hold my hand, maybe another car would pass by and you won't able to see it again." He looked at me sideways and smiled and looked back at the road.

Am I blushing?

𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓 𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐄 | peter parker ( andrew garfield )Where stories live. Discover now