Chapter 57

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*Kea POV*

I walked out the room crying , i really keep letting Calvin down and its all beause of Kelin. I have to stop this lil shit we got going on. I dont know but i kno it wasnt suppose to go down and it has to stop ASAP.

I walked to Shotta room so i can see what he has to say about this. But i knocked on the door and Asia opened and Shotta was putting on his shoes. I wonder where he goin this late.

"Shotta i um gotta talk to u about something." I said all scared but i dont kno why.

"Go put on some shoes u can ride wit me to the store." He said standing up and getting his phone off the charger.

I ran out the room and slipped on sum pajama pants and the neon Uggs Shotta bought for me on my Birthday. Yeah he gave me all my presents and they was on 10. And i gave him his.

"Im ready." I said slipping on my neon Northface that match with the boots.

We walked to the car and i waited till he started driving to say sum. "Okay dont judge me for wat im about tah tell u." I said

"You kno imma judge you because i judge everybody but imma try not to." He said laughing

"Nah im forreal Shotta." I said

"Oh okay ight." He said

I huffed and told him everything. I told him about what me and Calvin did and what happend wit me and Kelin. When i got done telling him i jus looked out the window waiting for him to say sumthing.

"Say something." I said shaking because i knew since he wasnt saying nothing then he got sum bad to say

"I dont wanna make you cry but that was some thot ass shit Kea. Why dont u think ? And imma put Kelin in his place cause he keep doin shit knowing that u wit Calvin. I really wanna slap u cause Calvin my nigga and its fucked up how u doin him and i can tell he really trying wit u. I anit gone tell him but u jus needa stoo. Cut Kelin off or sum shit, i dnt kno cause he my nigga too. But u need to stop." He said getting out the car and slamming the door. I knew he was mad which is why im sitting here crying. After i got done crying i walked into the store looking for Shotta

When i walked down the asile i seen him putting food in the cart. I walked up to him and hugged him.

"Please dont be mad at me a already feel bad about it." I said

"Im not mad u jus needa stop that shit." He said

Then i seen Pooh and La walk past and i ran to them

"Pooh and La. Omg i missed yall. What yall doin down here." I said hugging them

"We chillin. We move around." Pooh said and me and La laughed

"Dont forget he a stupid ass nigga." La said and i laughed harder

We got caught up on some thangs and i got they numbers and we headed diffrent ways.

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