Always and forever

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The green eyed boy is leaning against the lockers laughing with his bunch of friends, Louis huffs a sigh of relief and walk towards him until his forehead is pressed against Harry's chest, who says nothing but his long limbs surround themselves around Louis' small frame.

"Hey pup." He whispers against Louis' hairline who makes a sound of acknowledgment but other than that stays still, Harry's cologne hazing his senses,

"Any previous attention we had of Harry is now absolutely gone since his boy is here." Brian comments earning a well deserved round of hoots and wolf whistles from the others, Louis pouts at Harry before flipping the boys.

" 'azzy they're teasing me." He whines and Harry ruffles his hair fondly staring at the sweet creature before cupping his chin and raising his head, "Want me to beat each of them?" He softly asks and Louis shakes his head,

Because they both knew Harry would literally beat the boys just because they are his friends doesn't matter, the moment you fuck with Louis you have to face him.

"I'm sparing your lives ya cunts." He mumbles loud enough for the group to hear, "Thank you Lord Tomlinson for sparing our lives." Cade snickers,

"Enough of it, yeah? Cmon pup let's get you home." Harry says and Louis hums before intertwining their hands together.

" 'azza Today a boy asked me for my number." Louis airily says and Harry freezes slightly before smacking himself with the reminder that no matter what anyone thinks or says Louis isn't actually his.

So he nods, hands never leaving the boy's petite waist as they walk towards the parking lot, "So did You gave him your number, flower?" He asks and Louis stops in his way letting Harry remove his bike,

"Did you not wanted me to, 'az?" Harry stills, he turns to stare at the pretty boy who blinked at him owlishly with his baby blue eyes, Harry always find himself getting lost in them.

"Of course I want to, pup. Did you not want to?" Louis pouts, "He's cute, Harry. Tall and pretty funny."

Harry shrugs nonchalantly, "Okay then flower, your happiness is my happiness yeah." Beside him Louis simply nods and Harry Settles on the leather seat beckoning the smaller boy to come forward so that he can tie his helmet, the helmet that is specifically customised for Louis,

It was a lovely blue colour, one that matched Louis' baby blues and had a pretty LT marked on it.

While Harry's was as simple as ones can get, black with a HS marked on it by the blue of Louis' helmet, "What's his name, Lou?" He asks conversationally and Louis stares at him,

"David." Harry don't know who this fucker is and even if he did, He could do shit about it, "Oh, how's he like?" He asks still not making eye contact with the awaiting baby blues, he clasps the belt finally and looks at Louis' shoulder,

"He's sweet, he passed me a cute note. Can we get ice cream?" Louis asks and Harry smiles fondly thumbing away the soft fringe, "Anything for you, Princess." Louis blushes and grins before hopping behind Harry,

His dainty arms coming around Harry's waist, tight and as soft as it could get, Harry smiles petting the locked hands before feeling the side of Louis' head on his back,

Harry flies away from the school parking lot, driving off to his and Louis' favourite ice cream parlour, the boy jumps first and then Harry, Louis coming forward sniffing adorably when Harry unclamps his belt,

"Are you sleepy, little love?" Harry coos earning himself a swat on his chest, "Don't make fun o' me. I barely slept last night because of the quiz." At this the green eyed boy feels his heart soften,

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