𝙿𝚛𝚘𝚕𝚘𝚐𝚞𝚎 𝙸.𝙸

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Y/N's life was hectic to say the least. When he was born his mother died during his delivery, and since then it was only him and his father. Y/N and his father were very close since his father was the only one that was there for him. That was until F/N decided to get remarried to woman named Debbie when Y/N was 5.

Debbie was a kind woman whose partner also passed away, she also has a daughter named Jenny who was 8 years old, just 3 years older than Y/N. At first F/N and Debbie were hesitant to go through their plan to get married, since Jenny is still attached to her late father and Y/N was a bit reluctant to finally have a mother figure in his life.

But alas all that both of them still decided to go through the marriage. And surprisingly everything went smoothly, both and Y/N and Jenny warmed up to them both and both of them also warmed up to each other.

After their marriage Debbie alongside Jenny decided to move in to F/N and Y/N's house, which was 4 states away from Summerville.

10 Years Later

Everything was great for the L/N family for the years that came, Debbie and F/N were a happy couple, and although the age difference between Y/N and Jenny they still get along very well, Y/N is even good friends with one of Jenny's friend, and her boyfriend. But that all changed on Jenny's 18th birthday.

It was the post celebration of Jenny's birthday, her, her boyfriend Cedric, Y/N, her friend Grace, and about 10 more of her friends were there. There venue was on top of a waterfall where there's a 20 foot drop to a small lake. Jenny and her friends were drinking heavily, while Y/N being the only under aged one just sat at the edge of the waterfall. Some of Jenny's friend even encourage him to drink with them, but Y/N hated the taste of alcohol so he just settled on where he is.

All was calm until one of Jenny's friend Don ( Not a canon character btw ) spotted Y/N, and saw on opportunity to look 'cool'.

Don: Hey guys! look at this

He declared to get everyone's attention, as he slowly crept towards Y/N. Everyone looked at him and most of them immediately knew what he was going to do, most of them started giggling including Jenny. However 2 people, Grace and Cedric, knew otherwise that the thing that Don's about to do was a very dangerous one, but before either of them can do anything Don already pushed Y/N off the edge. Everything happened so fast in Y/N's perspective, just 3 seconds ago he was just minding his business by looking at the moon and now he's falling from a 20 foot cliff.

After everyone heard the splash Jenny and his friends started to laugh, while Cedric almost immediately dove after Y/N, followed by Grace going down the cliff. As Grace arrived down he saw that Cedric was next to Y/N and had already dragged him to a dry area, but Y/N wasn't breathing. Grace then ran as fast as she can to Y/N's side and started to perform CPR. As Cedric stepped aside he said something to Grace and started to climb up towards the others.

When Cedric reached the top his blood boiled even more, he was already angry at Don for pushing Y/N, but now he sees Don feeling up Jenny. He was beyond pissed, and as tempting it is to bash Don's head in, he knew Y/N's life was more important. He then bolted towards his car and got his phone and called the ambulance.

Now back to Grace, she was still performing CPR to Y/N slowly pumping his chest and blowing air to his lungs. And after a few minutes Y/N started to cough out water and he finally regained consciousness, and he finally spoke.

Y/N: Ugh, what the hell happened? Grace? is that you?

Grace: Oh Y/N I'm so glad you're finally awake! Just rest your head on my lap for now I'll explain everything later.

Grace replied to the young boy with small tears forming in her eyes, while she slowly caressed Y/N's face. Y/N wanted to stay conscious but the head injury he took from the fall prevent him from doing so. Not long after that Cedric returned to them along with paramedics. As Grace accompanied the paramedics to the ambulance she passed her so called friends, and Jenny all blacked out from drinking except for Don whose laying face down, and next to his face were some blood stain and bits of teeth.

As they arrived near the ambulance the paramedics told them that only 1 person was allowed to accompany them. Grace and Cedrick took a quick glance at each other, and Cedrick nodded to her, and told her that he'll be taking Jenny home and tell her parents about the situation. As Cedric left, Grace got inside the ambulance and they left for the hospital.

Later that night

Grace's POV

I was by the emergency room anxiously waiting for the doctor to come out with the results. I wasn't a religious person but I was so desperate for Y/N to be okay that I was praying deep inside. I was then shaken out of my thoughts as I heard two pair of footsteps near me. I looked up and saw Y/N's parents, both of them had a look of panic in there face. They then asked me.

F/N: Grace where's Y/N?! Is my son okay?!

Debbie: Cedric told us that he was rushed here, is my sweetie okay!?

I just looked at them with tears starting to form in my eyes as I tried desperately to explain without breaking down.

Me: I-I I tried t-to st-top Don, b-but he, he-

I didn't get to finish my sentence as I started to cry in front of them. I was bawling my eyes out but I then feel both of them hug me, and that calmed me down a bit. After I started to feel calm, I began to explain the things that happened earlier. And right when I was about to get to the part where we rescued Y/N, the doctor suddenly came out of the emergency room, and Y/N's father was the first one to talk.

F/N: Doctor how's my son?

Dr Stranger: Im assuming you're the boy's father. Well Mr. L/N your son was lucky aside from a minor head injury he's perfectly fine.

F/N: Oh thank goodness, thank you so much doctor.

The doctor then shaked his head and replied as he pointed at me

Dr Stranger: Her and her friend is the one you should be thanking, based on the report made, her and her friend were the ones that rescued your son and she's the one to perform mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.

I felt a bit embarrassed when the doctor said that. After that the Y/N was transferred to private room, and my conversation with his parents continue.

Debbie: Grace dear, how could we ever thank you for saving our son?

I just shook my head and replied

Me: No need to thank me, I'm just doing what he'll also do if our roles were reversed.

They both smiled and gave me a hug. F/N then remembered something and whispered something to Debbie. They then both looked at me and said.

Debbie: Um Grace sorry to bother you, but would you mind looking after Y/N for tonight?

Me: Oh not at all Mrs. Debbie

Debbie: Oh wonderful, heres $100 if ever you and Y/N get hungry.

Debbie then gave me the bill, and hugged me as she and her husband started to walk away. I then walked towards Y/N room which was a bit far, but nevertheless I arrived. I saw him resting peacefully, he looked super cute.

Me: What the hell are you thinking Grace!

As I shook that thought out of my mind, I grabbed a chair and sat next to his bed. I was captivated by his adorable face, I really can't stop looking at him. My vision then started to get hazy and slowly but surely I fell asleep.


Yo wazup guys, I've finally finished this chapter. Sorry for the delay, I really wanted to release this sooner but there was alot of plot holes in the original draft so I had to keep on editing. And I would like to know your thoughts on this. It's been awhile since the last time I wrote a story, so I your feedback would be much appreciated. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and seeee youuu next timeeee sayonaaraaaaa~

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