Behind Closed Doors (6)

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I woke up in Jacob's bed but he wasn't in the bed with me; I sat up and heard the shower running, I followed the sound to Jacob's bathroom and quietly opened the door.

"Can I join?" I said making my presence known, I saw Jacob look at me through the glass door, he jumped back in shock but quickly got over it.

"Of course baby girl" Jacob responded. I quickly ran over to the shower and stripped out of my clothes. I got into the shower with him and I could see Jacob getting hard, I smiled and pretended not to notice. Our shower didn't last very long but it was relaxing; I wrapped myself in a towel and went back to his room to find my clothes. They were scattered all around the room but it didn't take me that long to collect all my belongings. I got dressed and laid in Jacob's bed while he got  dressed.

"Shouldn't you be heading back home?" Jacob asked me curiously as he sat next to my on the bed.

"I guess so, it is getting kinda late and my parents might wonder where I am. Bye jacob and thank you" I gave a quick kiss on his cheek and walked out of his room. My parents wouldn't really care where I had been but they weren't going to exactly be happy that I left. When I came home my dad was gone but my mom wasn't, I could smell alcohol the second I walked in. I cautiously walked in and searched for my mom; I peered into the kitchen and saw her raiding the fridge. I turned to sleep but she must have saw me. Darn.

"Come here you!" she slurred. I slowly walked back into the kitchen to see what she would do next. "Where have you been?!" she yelled while pulling my hair. She slammed me into our counter making it hit my lower stomach; I groaned in pain but she wasn't finished. She kicked me in the shin and when I didn't fall she slammed me to the ground. I yelped as she did that but she the repeatedly kicked me in my stomach and chest area; it hurt like hell but I just told myself it wouldn't last forever, and it was true. She stopped kicking me after about five minutes and went into the living room. I rolled onto my backed and was now sprawled out on the kitchen floor. I groaned in pain as I decided I shouldn't just lay on the floor. I pulled myself up with the help of the counter and limped my way into my bedroom. Once I got to my room I instantly collapsed onto my bed.


It's Monday again- eww. I slammed my hand down on my alarm clock and opened my eyes weakly. I don't think I can go to school, maybe I could call in sick, but then I'd have to deal with my parents finding me.

"Alright Missy your going to get up... Right now." I told myself and lurched out of bed. I just stood there dizzy from getting up so fast, and when the dizziness faded I walked to my closet. I grabbed one of Jacob's jackets and some sweats. I put on the sweats and a tank top with Jake's jacket over. I brushed through my hear and quickly straightened it. I crept downstairs going completely unnoticed, thank God for that. I grabbed my bag and headed outside to my little black car.

"Hey Bessie" I greeted my car as I started her up. Yes, I named my car so don't judge me, it was a joke between a few kids at school and me. The car ride to school wasn't to long and I was there within 5 minutes. I slipped into the first free space I found and hopped out of my car, making sure to lock her. When I got into my first class I was swarmed by a bunch of girls, half of them I didn't even know. I recognized some of the girls from classes but most of them I had never seen.

"You slept with Devin?!" half the girls screeched while the other half asked me if he was good in bed.

"Excuse me?! I have never slept with Devin!!" I yelled at them and stormed off. Why the hell would they think that? I ended up just walking to the bathroom and back. By then the teacher was already in the classroom, I took my seat quietly and listened to the teacher lecture about how if we don't start getting serious we are all going to fail in life. It was the same in my first three periods, then it was lunch time. Yay! I sat with  the usual people (Jacob, Morgan, Emma, Courtney, and Jordan) they talked about random stuff and today I actually listened to the conversation, although it was difficult because I kept getting dirty looks from Emma and worried looks from Jake. When Mrs. Vanhorn (a supervisor) came and dismissed us I darted from the table. I quickly grabbed my choir music from my locker and hurried to the choir and band room. I was 5 feet away when something grabbed my hand.

"My god!! What now?" I whined, I didn't even look to see who grabbed me but when I did I was quite surprised.

"Devin?! What the hell?!" I studied his face and my surroundings; he looked stressed and we were also in the art room.

"Look... Missy, I'm sorry, okay? I didn't know that... Well see..." he stuttered, trying to look for the right words, "Look, it's just that Emma had told  me that you really liked me and talked to her about you know... Having sex with me. That's when I really noticed how beautiful you were..." he gently placed his hand on my cheek; would I seriously forgive him? Oh! And how could Emma be such a bitch and do that to me?! Anger rose inside of me and I pushed his hand away.

"Just... Just leave me alone, Devin." I stormed out of the room and slammed the door. I skipped choir and went off the campus. I went to the supermarket and just sat in my car to cry. How could she betray me like that? I cried for what seemed like hours and when I looked at my clock, it had been hours. It was around 12 when I left and it was now 2:20. It would be pointless to go back to school so I swung by the house and grabbed some workout clothes. (Nikes, shorts, and a tank top) I went to the gym and put on my workout clothes. Since it was still kinda early, barely anyone was there, so I ran on the treadmills alone. I felt my speed increase but I just put in some headphones, closed me eyes, and got lost in the music.

"Miss? Are you alright?" a high pitched voice called.

"Darcy, call 911!!" a deeper voice yelled. I heard shuffling and something pull up my shirt, but my eyes remained closed. I just couldn't find the energy to open them. I felt cold hand run up and down my stomach, before I knew it a bright light flashed in front of my eyes and I lost track of everything again.

"Missy? Sweetie, wake up" I knew that voice, I opened my eyes and searched my surroundings. I was in a one story house, I was lying in a little bed; I slowly got up and walked around the house. Just down the hall I found the kitchen to see that sweet familiar voice that I had heard earlier. Sitting at the table with his newspaper and coffee was my amazing Uncle John. I sat down at the table with him and out of nowhere he pushed a plate, with a donut on it, towards me. I ate it hungrily and the second I swallowed the last bite a bright light was back in my eyes.

"She's back. Good work guys." a tired voice claimed.

Damn! I wanted my donut back! I sighed mentally and willed myself to open my eyes. I squinted when I saw that annoying bright light again but looked elsewhere. I opened my eyes more fully to search my surroundings. I noticed the plain walls and smell of bleach instantly. Aw crap! I'm in the ER. A tired looking nurse came in and smiled, she wrote something on a chart and started playing with my IV.

"Hello." I greeted her, she just nodded, "Is Caroline working today? Shes my usual nurse and I would like it if you would let her be my nurse." I said acting annoyed. Caroline is usually my nurse, because she is the only nurse who doesn't complain I'm here to much (which I am) but that's not the point. The nurse just looked at me and walked out. Five minutes later in walks Caroline in her tweety bird scrubs and white shoes.

"Hey!" I chirped, oh how I missed her! She smiled, said hello, and checked my chart. She looked disappointed,  but why?

"Really Missy? You fainted in a gym?" she asked surprised, and all I could do was sheepishly nod. She shook her head and kept looking at the chart. I started fiddling with my hands when Caroline asked,

"So does your mom know about your secret?" My eyes shot up to hers and I gave her a questioning look.

"what secret?"

"That- wait! You don't even know?!"

"Know what?!" what is she talking about?

"Oh... Well.... Um.... Missy, congrads!!! Your gonna be a mommy!!!! So who's the father?" Caroline sat on my bed wanting to gossip but I still was in shock. How could I be a mom? No, it's a mistake. They must've gotten my chart mixed with someone else's. Yea, that's it. No, this is a five star hospital, mistakes like that don't happen. Oh god... I'm gonna be a mom.....

*********Author's Note***********

So Missy is gonna be a mommy! What do you think of the story so far??


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