Chapter 14 || death

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All they could let out was a shocked "tommy?" Phils voice had the slightest bit of worry.

When Tommys eyes finally got used to the bright light he could now see clearer, and what he saw completely shocked him.
TW/CW- talk of death

{1 weeks earlier }
Pov [ Tubbo and Ranboo ]

Rain threw itself down at the brunette, lashing out at the boy soaking his full black suit.
His face drenched by the rain, or was it the tears that flooded from his eyes?

A figure appeared from behind baring a similar outfit, the brunette turned around to see the figure.
"Ranboo" a small, weak smile spread across Tubbos face before quickly turning back around hanging his head low.

Ranboo flinched at this, he had never seen his friend so deeply upset, I mean it was expected considering these circumstances however he couldn't shake the feeling of shock.
However, he forced himself to shake the feeling off and spoke up.

"I came here to check up on you, you've er' been here a while y'know" Ranboo said as he lifted the umbrella her was holding to Shield both of them from the relentless rain.

"I'll be okay bossman.. it's just-" Tubbo cut himself off, trying to hold off a few stifling tears which threatened to flood out any minute from now.
Ranboo didn't say anything, there wasn't anything he could say to the heartbroken teen.
Instead he grew closer to his friend and gave a long, reassuring hug.

This caused Tubbo to choke out even more tears, this went on for a couple minutes, nothing could be heard well except for the downpour of rain paired with Tubbos cries echoed through Ranboos ears creating a saddening tune.

Ranboo didn't mind though, he would listen to this blaring melody if it meant that it would help his friend, in fact it only made him hold the brunette harder allowing a small few tears to flow from his own eyes.

"We should head back" Ranboo slowly un-tightened his arms around his friend, this causing Tubbo to look up with a look full of questioning. "To where?" His voice slightly wavering.
Before Ranboo answered the two looked to what was in front of them, flowers they had left draped on top of the stone with their best friends name etched into it.

Ranboo finally spoke up braking the silence



{ present }
Pov [ SBI ]

"T-tommy? Wait what are you doing up??" Wilbur questioned along side Phil.
However them questions would go unanswered as Tommys focused from the 3 vampires and to what, or shall we say who was tied up in the centre of the room.

A familiar voice also questioned "Tommy??"
The blondes eyes met the source of the sound and froze when he fully realised who they were.
The 3 vampires turned their watch from tommy back onto the 2 humans, also confused on how the two seemed to know the blonde.

"J-jack? Niki??" Tommy stammered back in complete shock, I mean the last thing he expected to wake up to was the hunters that he used to be grouped with now tied up with a band of high class vampires surrounding them.
Jack shouted up to the blonde in pure shock, like he was still registering the fact that Tommy was infact right in front of him.
"What are you doing with these vampires?? Nevermind that how are you still here alive??"

Tommy focused his eyes onto jacks and shot a questioning glance at the Hunter.
"What do you mean 'still here alive'?"
Tommy questioned, surely the order didn't know that Tommy wasn't technically alive anymore, y'know with that whole becoming a vampire thing.

Before jack could speak up Niki took this as a chance to speak up, she shifted around in her restraints the best she could until she was mostly facing the blonde.
"We got told from higher ups that you got killed in action"

Tommy tried hiding the shocked look plastered across his face. Tommy was about to speak up to the Hunter however a certain musition cut the blonde off.
"Hate to brake up the reunion, but how do you know Tommy?" The last part of Phils sentence dripping with venom as he looked up and down at the Hunters.

Before either of them could answer however Tommy spoke up.
"They were the people that were in my group back when I was still a Hunter"
He stopped as he gave an unsure look to both niki and jack before deciding to continuing.
"However, most days the fuckers would just ditch me and go off on their own"
He looked up again towards the two, they held their heads low clearly in guilt.
He continued,
"And that's the whole reason I got caught up in this mess"
Tommy uncomfortably looked down the silence hanging around the room,

Jack decided then to speak up "what do you-"
The Hunter was cut off by Wilbur, in an unfamiliar tone Tommy hadn't yet heard from him.
"I suggest we get rid of these two now" looking over towards Technoblade who hummed in agreement.

Tommys eyes opened wide, he knew exactly what Wilbur had suggested,
He looked over at the vampires who were now approaching the hunters who had terrified looks on their faces, eyes darting around the room looking, hoping for an escape.

"WAIT" Tommy had shouted, the sudden noise taking everyone in the room by surprise, now alls that left was an eerie silence, bar the quiet sobs that left niki.
Tommy looked surprised at first but quickly regained his composure.
"Please" casting unsure glances across the trio.
"Spare them"

He had known that even considering how much he disliked the two, he couldn't watch the two die.
He didn't want any more blood on his hands.

At first the vampires cast a surprised look at the younger, however it melted in a look of understanding.
Phil gave a reassuring smile towards Tommy
"We won't" he looked over towards his sons who were then frozen in place.
"But phill" Wilbur spoke up.
"Take them down to the basement"

Tommy looked asif he was about to speak up so Phil continued.
"They found the manor by themselves, we can't risk them going off back to their order and telling their higher ups"
"That would truly be a witch hunt"

Tommy hummed in a sign of annoyance but understanding as the two hunters were dragged off by both Techno and Wilbur.
Tommy shot the two a glance before realising.

If they thought he was dead
Then what about Ranboo and Tubbo?
A million questions regarding his friends filled his head so after meeting jacks eyes he asked one more question.

"How are Ranboo and Tubbo"

Jacks eyes met the vamplings eyes as he struggled out a sentence.

"They think you're dead"

Word count- 1150
hope you enjoyed this chapter we starting to get deeper into the story line now 👀 anyways enjoy this design sheet of Phil guys

===============================Word count- 1150hope you enjoyed this chapter we starting to get deeper into the story line now 👀 anyways enjoy this design sheet of Phil guys

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