Part- 4

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"You're sulking." Taylor comments only to earn a glare from Louis, "I'm not. I'm tired and it's winter." Bebe rolls her eyes sipping from the hot chocolate, their cafe was silent today, "It's The middle of October. What makes you think this is winter, babe?"

"I don't know." He whispers leaning down and resting his head on his arms, "Boo you can tell us anything you know that right? Are you alright Lou?" Taylor asks a concern hand on Louis' head, massaging it.

"I'm alright guys! Do I not look alright? I mean look at me I'm fine. I just miss home." He mumbles and Taylor coos engulfing him in a hug, Bebe joins too and So does Niall. He chuckles wetly hugging his friends. He woke up having a very bad dream which included Louis' family being in a very horrible accident and since then he's been missing his family despite of being on call with them almost whole three hours.

The bell jingled and Louis looked at the door to see an old woman, he tried to not show his disappointment that it was not Harry. That man didn't came yesterday and Louis doesn't like to admit this but he waited for him and today he's doing the same. Looking at everyone and trying not to sulk more in disappointment when they are not A certain green eyed man with tall legs and curly hair.

He wraps up a blueberry puff for the old lady handing her the packet with a smile. Louis yawns and looks at the time. It's still ten which means the day hasn't even started.

"Sulking today aren't we, angel?" A familiar voice says and Louis looks up from his wrist watch to the man he's been thinking about most of the time, Harry looks handsome so fucking handsome with a navy blue suit on.

"Harry." He didn't meant to sound so gleeful but he did, his heart lightening at the man's arrival, "Louis." His tone was formal and approving.

"I'll have someone send on your table, sir." Louis says gaining his control back and Harry shakes his head, "I'm not here for that. Come for lunch with me." He says confident with his chest puffing.

"I... it's still ten. It's time for breakfast." The amusement flashes back in his green eyes, "We have plenty of time then, Cmon."

"But I am working right now." He says with a small frown and Harry looks at something behind, "You won't mind handling the place while Louis isn't here do you?" He asks and Louis turns to see a wide eyed gaping Taylor blinking,

"Yeah sure, sure just nothing. Goodbye Lou have a good time I'll be sure to take care of the cafe." Louis squints his eyes at her, traitor. To which she just grins more,

"I'm in my work clothes." He tries and Harry crosses the counter and is now standing right in front of Louis, dark eyes raking Louis' body mentally undressing him and making Louis squirm under the intense gaze.

Heat pools in Louis' gut when the man's green eyes find Louis', they seemed to be more darker than usual, at this Louis gulps. "You look pretty as usual, angel. More than pretty in fact." His voice was now husky and his body close to Louis.

"I'll be out waiting for you." Harry says pushing both of his hands inside his pants, Louis dumbly nods and then turn around.

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