That roof.

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She stood on the building's roof, her skirt billowing in the wind. Her hair is a tangled mess of colours.
Tears sliding down her cheeks, she angrily wipes them away with the palm of her hand.

She did not deserve to be crying, she did not deserve to feel anger or sadness.
She deserved to feel none of that, she deserved to feel nothing.
She deserved nothing.
She deserved to be nothing.

She stood on that roof's building, screams bubbling up in her throat.
She wanted to cry so badly, she wanted to sob, to scream till her throat could no longer take it. Till it left her voice hoarse for days.
She didn't though, she forced them down.
No matter how much her brain, her body begged. She wouldn't give in.

She stood there, glaring at the glowing city line.
The lights streaked in her vision.
The whole world seemed to burn and blur, as if it was erasing itself from existence, as if it was all just an elaborate prank.
A joke.
A bit that she and the whole world would laugh about later.
But the world would have more in mind.

She stood on that god forsaken roof, thunder rolling in the distance.
"I should go inside," she thought to herself, who would want to stand out in a storm..
She would.
So she stayed.

The city's skyline mocked her pain, the storm rolling in matched her fury.
Her personality matched the hot compressing air, only God being a witness. The rain would slowly drape a blanket of droplets over her, soaking her in a cold hug.
She suddenly had a wave of weakness wash over her, her knees buckled, she hid her face in her hands.

The world felt over
She let out the most heartbreaking sob, as the rain began to pour she knew the world was crying with her.
Her clothes clinged to her body, her hair felt like one million tons, her heart felt like it had been torn into a thousand pieces and chucked away.

She hated herself for crying, she told herself she wouldn't, she hated everyone.
She hated the rain, she hated the wind, she hated the small specks of sun, she hated everything about this.

She took a shaky breath, her lip quivering.
She wanted to curl up and disappear, if only.
She was now sitting on that roof, her legs gathered closely to her chest.
She was beyond soaked.

She wondered why no one had come up to the roof yet, it used to be a spot all the students would go.
When they skipped school.
Did everyone just stop existing?

She made herself get up, wiping away some tears waiting to soak her clothes even more.
Though they would just join her already soaked clothes.
She stood near the edge of that building's roof, there was no railing or anything.
The skyline stopped its burning, the world stopped its sobbing, everything just stopped.

As if the Earth stopped spinning
As if everything just ceased from existence
And she would be left.

She walked to the edge of the buildings roof
Peaking over the edge was a beautiful flower field
The colours were amazing

The colours memorised her
She imagined laying in their petals
It seemed like a dream

A voice in the back of her mind said to lay down in them
She nodded, smiling.
She felt better, as if all those feelings washed away like that sudden storm.

She was no longer on that buildings roof
The wind whistled in her ears
Muttering a simple song
A simple melody

She felt like she fell for hours
She might have-
Until she smelt that almost sickenly sweet scent of the flowers
She laid there
Breathing the scent in and out

The once white roses
Were now painted red.

That roofWhere stories live. Discover now