Broken hearts aligned

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"I was out in search for love but found home in form of a heartbeat and blue eyes"


  Harry always needed assurance he knew that. He was scared to loose him, when the band was formed and their relationship was new he would always ask Louis during their phone calls.

"I love you baby, do you love me? I need you, do you need me?" He would get a reply in form of soft airy giggles that made his heart bloom with a number of flowers,

"Of course I do, 'arry." Would be the answer, it would always be the answer until it wasn't, until there was a drift between them.

They were fine, perfect, they had their days but he never understood why Louis left, why he decided it was over, 

The moment A very jet lagged Harry had entered their home, He had held his boy closely, it was first time in two months he was holding Louis, his lips tasting the same as it did, unfamiliar and familiar all at once. Louis had gone pliant under his arm tilting his face the way Harry's hands Demanded, Harry had walked them until his boy was plastered against the wall, a litany of I miss yous and I love yous left Harry's lips like a prayer as he picked his boy, walked his way to their bedroom and made slow love to him.

If Harry had looked a little closer he would've found the sadness in his boy's eyes, he would've. But he didn't.

Everything was fine until Harry woke up to a cold bed, he had rubbed his eyes and frowned deeply as he stared at the note,

His heart thundering in his ribcage as he tried to form the words in his head,

You and I were perfect, Harry. But I don't think we are now. I don't think I can do this anymore. I'm sorry.

With love,


Harry had scoffed hands looking for his phone and he frantically dialled Louis' number, it rang twice thrice before someone picked it up,

"Do not talk to him, Harry. It's not easy for him as well, if you love him let him go." Was what Zayn had said.

Harry was anything but pathetic and like always he didn't let his love win and prided himself in not begging Louis to just take him over.

Heartbreak was something Harry never wanted to feel. He'd known that Louis was the love of his life and he was Louis', the nights they shared the promises they weaved when they were tucked under their sheets, the same sheets Louis always claimed to hate when in fact he love them, he always slept in them the most comfortable.

Harry hated his house, it wasn't a home anymore, it was lovely obviously it was how couldn't it be? It was their home, Harry and Louis'. Every item, every fairy light that decorated the area was picked by Louis, every mug that was lined in the shelf picked by the cobalt eyed boy personally.

Harry can't even stay inside without thinking about blue eyes and flowery smiles so he fled to LA.

LA was never home and Louis never liked the place, the place was too posh and uptight for him, unlike Harry he didn't mingled with the crowd of classy celebrities and good looking models so he stayed in London while Harry stayed in LA. Harry had work in here while in London he had nothing except his home and his heartbeat.

Harry's record label had demanded an album as it was crossing another year after the success of his first album which had caused Him to stay in LA for weeks more than necessary. He knew Louis understand because it was work and Louis was supportive so what had went wrong? Where did they go wrong?

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