In Full Swing (7)

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You may be glad to know that this chapter is from Amane's perspective rather than Yashiro's :)

"My, you're taking her somewhere? Where, exactly?" Amane's mother smiled eagerly, and Amane pulled out his phone, finding a photo.
"Here." He said, and his mother's eyes widened.
"That place is expensive, no?"
"It is, but she always goes on about how much she wants to go there. I thought it would be good."
"Amane, you really are such a sweet boy! I'm so proud of you!"

"There's another thing I've got planned. It's for while we're there."
"What might that be?"
"I can't say it out loud because Yashiro's only in the room next to this one, but I can show you!"
"How can you show a plan?"
"You'll understand when you see it! But... uhm... first I need to find it."

Amane stood up, and rushed to the place he put it, but he poked his head into the kitchen, seeing Yashiro working on something on her laptop. He couldn't help but smile, since she was so focused she didn't see him.

She's cute when she's focused-

He looked at her for a few moments, before getting back to finding this 'mysterious thing for his plan'. He quickly found it, and ran back to where his mother was.

He sat back down, and showed it.
"Amane! Goodness- does this mean what I think it does?"
"Yes- but please don't tell Yashiro! Don't even mention anything related to it. I want her honest reaction."
"Of course I won't! I wouldn't want to ruin it! You ought to be careful with this though, if you drop it that certainly wouldn't be good!"
"I'm not going to drop it-"

His mother stood up, and hugged Amane tightly.
"I know you won't, I'm just so proud of you!! I can't believe that you're-"
"Maybe don't say it so loud!"
"Sorry, dear, I'm just so happy! You'll be-" Before she could finish her sentence, Amane quickly placed his hand over her mouth, fully aware of what she was going to say.

He glanced at the door and back at his mother, trying to tell her to look in that direction. She did, and Yashiro was standing in the doorway, looking at the two of them confused.

"Nene! Dear, hello! How are you today?" Amane's mother rushed over to Yashiro, smiling.
"It's almost 8, not much left of today. If you really want to know, though, I'm good!"
"That's good! That's great! I'm glad!"
"You look excited. What's going on?"
"Oh, nothing deary! I'm just glad to be here!"
"You've already been here for a day, though? Surely it's not that exciting."

As quickly as she ran to Yashiro, she left the room, and Amane gave a sigh of relief.
"What happened?" Yashiro asked, and Amane shook his head.
"Nothing. You done with what you were doing earlier?"
"Yes, well, kind of! I want to see what you think."
"Of what?"
"It's related to the duet and the whole idol thing that Aoi brought up."

Oh, right, I forgot about that.

The two of them sat at the small wooden table in the living room, and Yashiro placed her laptop down, opening the lid. It opened to notes, and she shifted it to the middle of them so they could both see it.

"I was trying to get as many ideas down as possible, but I'm not sure how well it went." Yashiro said, and Amane looked closer at the screen.
"Really? This is more than I'd be able to come up with."
"The thing is I don't know how any of these ideas would work. There isn't much crossover between the things you tend to write songs about and the things I like."
"There doesn't have to be, it just needs to be something that would sound good as a song."
"I also had another idea that I wanted to talk to you about. Not about the duet, though."
"Really, what is it?" Amane looked directly at her, curious.
"What if, rather than being two separate idols that have done a duet, we perform together? That is, if I'm completely sure about being an idol."
"Like those groups?"
"Yes! Exactly like them! But instead of being a group, it's just us?"
"I like the idea, but I'd need to completely rebrand everything which is a really long process."
"You wouldn't need to! Like, those groups are a groups, but they still do their own separate songs that aren't part of the group albums."
"Ohhh... I like this idea!"

Yashiro moved slightly closer to Amane, and leaned her head back so she was looking up at him, smiling.
"I'm glad you do! It would also mean that we wouldn't have to sacrifice time together..." She said, and a light shade of pink dusted Amane's face.
"I never thought of it like that-"
"You're blushing, Amane-kun." She interrupted, lightly tapping his cheek.
"Really? Well- I hadn't noticed!"
"That's such a lie, you always notice. What are you thinking?"
"Nothing! I'm not thinking anything! It's just your face."
"Now what does that mean?"
"You look cute- but that's not the point, we should just get back to making ideas."
"Well, alright then! Let's do that."

About an hour passed, and they'd officially stopped putting new ideas down. Yashiro had her head on the table, groaning.
"I'm done. I'm so done. No more ideas!" She said, and Amane thought for a moment.
"We're both out of ideas. Which one do you want to go with?"
"I don't know, I think they're all good! What about you?"
"I like this one." Amane put his finger in front of the idea he meant, and Yashiro lifted her head.
"You don't think that would be really cheesy?"
"What's wrong with cheesy?"
"Nothing, it's just awkward sometimes."
"How so?"
"Just think about it."
"...I still don't get it.
"Nevermind. It's not a bad idea, I think it would be good. Good and cheesy."
"Should we start trying to write it or do you want to wait?"
"I'm not bothered! If you want to write it now, I'll do that. If you don't, I won't."
"Okay then, but just remember this was your decision!"

Sorry that this chapter is shorter than usual, I didn't have as many ideas on where to take this one as I usually do. I'll make up for it by making the next one longer!

{DISCONTINUED} Dainty Duet • HANANENEWhere stories live. Discover now