May 1st

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May 1st

'i woke up feeling something, I wonder what it is could it be excitement this school is truly wonderful peaceful life-chan thank you'

I did my morning warm up of 100 pushups, sit ups, curl ups, crunches and a 10km run around the school after the warm up I did 500 everything and 20km run i took a shower and got ready for school.

TS = Time Skip

As i entered class they started to bow

"Good morning senpai" everybody said i was feeling like a king

"Good morning" i said ,as i made my way to the podium

"Hello everyone I would like to say good work although we did have some disturbances we will probably rise up in the ranks "I said after I finished I made my way to my seat 

"You can sit now" I said and everyone took a seat as we waited, everyone made idle chatter because we got 84,000 points

'As I was thinking about what to do in the following weeks sensei walked in she directed her eyes at me and smirked I don't really like older girls but she fine tho'

Everyone stopped talking when sensei walked in, they really improved 

"Good morning class do you have any questions" sensei asked but nobody raised their hand because they already know about the s-system

"...ok anyways this is a sheet of the classes points"

Class points

Class A - 920

Class B - 720

Class C - 480

Class D - 840

"Leessssss ggoooooooo!!!!!!!!!!" Shouted ike in his mind of course he wouldn't say it out with ayanakouji emitting his aura

 "Okay kowhais we are officially Class b i would like to congratulate you by taking up your books and be prepared to go to the library and study" said Ayanakouji 

"Whyyy" said Yamauchi he was happy that he beat 2 classes but why do we get to celebrate by studying 

A/N ask my teacher that

"Meet me at the roof after school yamauchi but for your question relax and wait for miss to say something" I said while miss was smirking

5 days before may 1st

Ayanakouji POV

I woke up and do my morning exercises and after that some senpais invited me to go shopping since i was bored i decided to go and we were having so much fun after we finished we decided to go to the movies where we watched the Spiderman movie honestly it was kinda good and we met up with some classmates and were heading to the pallet café where some guys were staring at the girls then one approached

"Hey cutie" he said to karuizua they stared at her and said he was reaching his hand to drag her and take her outside but i grabbed his hand and twist it

"TAAKE YOUR HANDS OFF Her" II said to the assholes with an angry tone

Wee took it outside they keep on hitting me and i let them because there was a camera my lip was bleeding and after that i pointed to the camera after they saw it they were scar5ed shitless i told them to follow me at an alley 

"what do you want" they said 

i kicked and hit them until they were bruised

"Listen assholes i want you to give me all your points and tell me about the system they told me what chabashira told us so it was okay but they said after this month we are going to receive tests

"Okay i want the test for may 31st" I said emitting my aura

"Wtf that was not the deal i am not giving you anything " they said i expected that as i played the recording about what they said about the system

"Ok oK we'll give you after that i gave them my number and left after i exited the alley karuizawa came and hugged me

"Thank you ayanakouji" she said i told her no prob after that i left the group and went to my bed tired 

End of flashback

A/N I am changing it they gave class points to Chabashira sensei to get information but she haven't told them about the special events bout to change it later that's why they are in class B or else ... you already know

"Thank you senpai but as i said at the first day of school The classes are divided by 4 which are going to be examined by then end of a month for their evaluation scores since you waned information about the school it cost you points which is why you are in class B" said Chabashira sensei giving a summary of what she said

"Since you guys are Class B congratulations!! as ayanakouji said you are going to receive a sheet to remember for the exam at the end of the month" Said Chabashira

Everybody started to groan as they were are going to have tests at the end of the month

Thank you guys it's easter break soo no homework that means i can post oh check out my new story to discuss and promote some fanfic all you gotta do is go to my profile and check it out          ok guys we are going to have a goal chart for updates

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Lesss get it!!!!!

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