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Even with the bitter cold that was biting against Druig, a flash of heat coming from the sun beat his back. He had been climbing up the mountain for the past few hours, but was not yet tired as his thirst for revenge drove him to find this Deviant. 

The forgotten sounds of birds echoed through the white mountains, a sound recognized from Druig's distant past, a sound which is hadn't heard in five years. The last time he heard the sound of birds chirping so happily was the last day he and Mara were together.

A flashback of him and Mara together came to his mind. They were both lying in an open field in the amazon, looking up at the blue sky together. The heat didn't bother them, in the moment, they just wanted to be together. Mara had commented on the beautiful sound of the birds, laughing as she said that they were singing beautiful songs. 

Druig felt a surge of pain and emotion going through his body as he thought about Mara so he waved the pain away and continued to climb the mountain, murder on his mind. His emotions were so funny. The second he thought of Mara, he could break down in tears, getting lost in his memory of her, but when he stared the old man in the eyes as he murdered him, he had no remorse. When he heard his daughter's screams ripping through the village, it almost brought him happiness, the thought that he had so much power over an entire population. 

He only ever felt anything whenever his love was brought up.

Abruptly, a small trail of blood that lined the edge of the mountain caught his eye. He hoped that this would be the way to the cave, otherwise, there would be more blood spilled in the village tonight and it wouldn't just be the old man's daughter.

Side-stepping along the trail, careful not to fall, Druig found himself in an empty area that had a large cave in front of him. He finally felt so close to his revenge, so close to avenging Mara. 

The cave seemed pitch black except for a stream of sunlight that trickled across the entrance. Druig could feel an eerie vibe coming from it. For the first time, a sense of fear washed through his body.

Suddenly, Druig felt a large vibration coming from inside the cave. Someone was definitely in there. 

Druig knew he had to finally face this beast. His heart pounded as he started inside the cave, not even able to see his hands in front of him.

This was it. This was all he had been working on. He would finally get his revenge. 

He drew a long blade from his bag and spun it once, looking around for any possible danger. All of his senses were on high alert. 

He couldn't wait to slit the creature's throat.

The sound of water dripping flooded the cave and he was unable to feel any other vibrations like he did when he was outside of the cave. There were no signs of life or any movement at all.

Druig continued deeper and deeper in the cave until, suddenly, in the midst of the darkness, he saw a large body curled up on the floor, slow steady breaths coming from it. 

This was his chance. Druig stormed over to the monster, kicking it in the face with his boot, awakening the monster. Druig would never let it die easily. He wanted to fight it, to show it how much more power he had over it, to watch it die in pain, just as Mara had.  

The Deviant quickly hoisted its body up, growling at Druig, its four  gray eyes glowing dangerously as it stared upon him with smoldering anger.

"An eternal," the Deviant's voice was smooth as it dodge Druig's attempts to stab it in the chest. Druig let out a grunt of anger as he swiped at it again, but missed.  

The Deviant chuckled at his failed attempts. 

"Look at you you've gotten sloppy since our last encounter about 1000 years ago. Actually, come to think of it, you didn't even try to fight me, so this is definitely a step up!" the creature mocked, poking its gray lip out.

Druig's blood boiled at the cruel comment, his knuckles turning white from how tightly he held the blade in his hands. 

All he could see was red. 

Before Druig could attack once again, the Deviant's inky black vines withdrew from it and slithered over to Druig trying to attach themselves to him.

The eternal ducked and slid under the vines and attempted to get closer to the monster. Suddenly, he felt a searing pain and was frozen in place. The vines had attached themselves to Druig's chest. The Deviant swiftly approached Druig, smiling grandly at him.

Druig squirmed uncomfortably as he felt his power drain from his system, his golden eyes flickering.

"It's sad, really. Your pretty little girlfriend will be all alone now, no one to protect her," the Deviant cackled, its gray face glowing with pleasure at the eternal's pain.

Using the little strength he had, Druig gripped his knife and drove it through the tentacle, releasing himself.

The Deviant yelled in pain as it looked at the vine that had just been cut on the floor, dark blood pouring out of it. 

"Don't talk about Mara ever again," Druig sneered, his golden eyes radiated power coming from his anger at full strength.

For a second, the evil facade on the Deviant disappeared and was replaced with confusion. 

"Why should I not talk about her when you probably have her safely hidden at one of the Avenger's old safe houses across the globe?" the creature questioned before snapping out of its confusion, the other tentacles started rapidly darting over to where Druig was.

Druig was baffled but still fought with ferocity. He could feel his energy quickly draining, but he needed to do this. He didn't know if he would ever be able to face the Deviant again. 

"She is not 'safely hidden' because you killed her!" the eternal grunted as he sliced through the tentacles, piercing the blade into the Deviant's chest with a loud clang.

The monster gasped at the impact, its gray eyes looking at the wound in its chest that blood started to ooze out of.

"What games are you playing, little Eternal? She nearly wounded me with her power and then got away. Last time I saw her, she was alive," the Deviant croaked as it coughed out blood, splattering onto Druig's robe.

Druig did not even care as his entire world stopped.

This new information just changed his entire perspective of the last five years. 

The Deviant's eyes fluttered closed as it slumped to the side, a pool of blood forming under its body.

Druig had finally got his revenge, but he didn't even care.

He numbly turned around, stumbling out of the cave until he collapsed onto the white snow, his last thoughts being about the possibility that the love of his life could still possibly be alive. That maybe, just maybe, he could see her again. 


hello all, sorry for the short chapter. 

i promise, next chapter will be very eventful ;)

see you soon, 

asiya and jordan

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