Chapter 41: Artie's Script

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"In other news, LPD has finally closed the case against Jerry Barerdi." 

The television volume was just high enough for Shana and Albany to understand if they paid attention, but the two were half-asleep early on Monday morning as they had breakfast together. Albany was off to another week at school, for which she was a bit terrified, while Shana had been called to the studio by Sebastian. She wasn't sure what it was for but she could only imagine it was a good thing, so despite Luke keeping her up almost the whole night to play video games, she had managed to wake up and get ready.

"The notorious mob boss has been in Ohio for the last three years," the reporter was saying when Shana started to somewhat pay attention, "but somehow managed to slip past their fingers every time. After an embarrassing run chasing after Barerdi, Chief of Police Sal Walker finally released a statement on Saturday evening saying they had caught him. In an ironic twist, it was the pet tiger which Barerdi ostentatiously purchased for himself last spring which led to a search warrant. Here's a clip from Chief Walter's press conference."

Seeing Jake on the TV, standing with other cops a few feet away from the podium behind which Chief Walter was standing, Shana's eyes widened. She patted the table to get Albany's attention, turning up the TV volume when they were both watching. 

"It was something we were putting a lot of focus on lately so I'm above all glad that we won't have to place our resources into that case anymore," Walter was saying. "It was thanks to an eyewitness report I found in some old paperwork that I discovered a way to legally obtain access to his compound in Toledo. And now we can finally put this all behind us and move forward." 

Albany grabbed the remote and turned the television off, turning back to Shana to say, "He totally just took credit for that!"

"But it was Jake..." Shana said, confused.

"Exactly!" Albany exclaimed, feeling completely alert now. "I hope he's going to do something about that because this is just totally, absolutely horrendous and morally unjust. The town deserves to know the truth."


"How are you feeling about all of this?" Ryder asked Jake as they walked out of the Lima Bean with their coffee before the latter headed to the station for work. 

Jake shrugged, "It sucks, I guess but... I didn't really do much either so I guess it's not like I deserve the credit."

"Sure you do," Ryder assured him. "Dude, you've been working your ass off since, like, Halloween or something. You deserve the credit much more than your scumbag boss and you know that. If not you, then who's responsible?"

Jake didn't answer. There was one answer and it was very clear who that was.


The girl he was thinking of was meanwhile discussing something completely different. After meeting in the lobby of the building where the Blackbird Records floor was, Kara and Leila walked with each other into the elevator. 

"You're hanging around with John today?" Kara asked, breaking the typical elevator silence. 

Leila nodded. "He just dropped me off and went to pick up Amity," she said. "She called just as we were getting hear to let us know she was having car troubles."

"Hmm..." was all Kara responded.

Noticing some tension, Leila asked, "So how are you and Alex doing? Still weird after the whole interview thing?" Kara turned to her, surprised, so Leila said, "Sorry, John told me. I guess he and Alex talked about it or something."

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