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10th January 1782

William had been in bed all day, holding Edward in his arms and reading a few short stories to him. I folded up some laundry and placed it on the bed before looking over at him, my handsome husband. He glanced to the side and saw me, smiled and looked back at his son.

"my love" I mumbled and sat next to him "what colour do you think, pale green or light blue?"

William lifted Edward up and cradled him against his chest "Well pale green brings out your eyes" he coughed to the side and laid down "and light blue makes me fall in love with you even more"

"You're adorable darling" I mumbled and took his hand into mine.

"and that is my line, how dare you steal that" he smirked slightly and took in a deep breath, attempting to catch his breath, only to wince and contort his face.

I cracked a small smile and brushed my fingers through Edward's hair "He has your raven locks"

"And you're beautiful smile" he mumbled before gently squeezing my hand "what troubles you dearest?"

I swallowed thickly and shook my head "absolutely nothing, I'm alright, I have you" William smiled sweetly before bringing my hand up to his lips and kissing it.

"I love you so much darling" he quietly spoke as Edward was falling asleep once again "And I love the little one, and the one inside your belly" William muttered before sitting up, he laid Edward on the bed and covered him in a blanket. But before I could say anything, William quickly faced the other way and vomited onto the floor. But because he hadn't eaten anything it was only crimson coloured bile...

I quickly got to his side of the bed and held his hair back in a makeshift ponytail "That's it darling, let it all out" I gently ran my fingers over his back.

"It hurts..." he whined and looked down at his mess on the floor "I'm sorry for that, I should've found the-" William got too worked up, he ended up half choking on his phlegm.

"Come on, lay back down love"

"B-but I need to help you..." his voice cracked slightly as he spoke "No, I need to help..."

"William, rest" I mumbled before picking up a handkerchief from the bedside table and started to wipe the excess bloody bile from his lips and chin. He tried to sit up again but ended up crying out in pain "Please...William you need to listen to me" I pleased before looking over at Edward "for your son William, please"

"all I am is a burden-"

"In sickness and in health, I'll always be here, forever" I quickly cut him off and covered him in the blankets once again "You're no burden to me, you never will be" Edward started crying and reached towards William "you see he needs his papa" A quiet knock on the door made me look up "come in"

My father walked in along with Peter, they both shot me a sorry look when they saw William laying there almost lifeless "father..." William mumbled to himself and started to silently cry. He took in a deep breath before tears started to fall down his cheeks.

Father? He hated his...wait did he mean mine?

"Peter take your sister outside for a moment" My father quickly spoke and walked over to William's bedside "I need a word with my son in law"

William's POV
"pa..." I mumbled as I looked up at my father in law "M-make sure she's safe, alright? That she'll find happiness..." I tried to act brave but my tears came at full pelt

"Shh son, calm yourself" He muttered and placed his hand on my shoulder "She'll be happy with just the mere memories of you"

"W-Will I go to heaven..." I asked. I sounded like a child, an immature little boy.

"Of course and when I join you, I'll teach you to ride and shoot properly"

I smiled at thos words "That'll be nice..."

"I look forward to it, but only if you promise to watch over Mable"

I was going to do that anyway "I will father...I promise"

"for now, sleep and regain your strength"

Mable's POV

When I was out of the room, I quietly crept downstairs and into the living room. Peter tried his best to cheer me up but failed miserably "Here, I'll take this one" Peter spoke before taking Edward from my arms "he's my favourite"

I heard some footsteps on the staircase and saw my father "papa...?"

"He's asleep at the moment" He spoke before walking up to me.

I shook my head before breaking down into sobs "He's going to die papa, he's in agony..." in and instant he gave me a tight hug "is this what it felt like to lose mother...?"

"Yes...this it what it felt like..." papa muttered and gently ran his fingers through my hair "She'll look after him in heaven, she'll love him like a son as I do" I cried into my fathers chest and ball at the material of his jacket "Don't cry darling, there, there, papa's here..."

"I want him to live papa, but I don't want him to suffer anymore..."

"Shh I know, I know" I heard a quiet sob from the corner of the room and saw Peter wiping a tear away from his eye.

"I'm going to keep his last name, to honour him"

"thats your decision darling" My father kissed my forehead and sat down next to Peter "Tavington sounds better than Smith"


The last name of the man I love

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