4 • Enter: Kusuo Saiki

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"Well then, you can just come over now! It's just more time to talk with my son!" I let out a chuckle, "I suppose you have a point. Lead the way Kurumi!" We made small talk as we walked to the Saiki's household. A certain pink haired psychic wondering who his mother was bringing home this time.

{ Remember:
1. ' ' = Thoughts
2. " " = Dialogue
3. " "+Bold = Telepathic Communication
4. [ ] = Point of View or Date&Time
5. { } = Author Notes
6. ( ) = Relevant Information
7. Bold+Italics = Universe's Answer }

[ 1st Person Point of View • Aiko Emiko ]

Sorry, but we ran out of time in the last episode! Let's continue the story of how I met the psychic we all know and love, yeah?

[ Flashback: Arriving at the Saiki Household ]

Kurumi and I had finally made it to her place. She unlocked the door and said "Ku! Come downstairs! I brought a guest." I let down my mental walls enough that he could telepathically speak to me when I was outside the house. I had also shortened my mind reading radius when I started talking to Kurumi. At the moment, the only peoples thoughts I can hear are inside the house. 'Ku! Get down here this instant or no coffee jelly for the rest of the week!' I heard a certain psychic grumble in his thoughts but he eventually walked downstairs to greet me. He waited for my thoughts to start flowing into his brain while he introduced himself and was taken aback when nothing came. I introduced myself as Aiko Emiko and smiled at him, acting oblivious to the dilemma he was facing in his mind. 'I can't read her thoughts?' When you try your best but you don't succeed~ I had to suppress a smile when I heard my subconscious but it wasn't all that hard. 'Could she be an idiot like Nendou?' HELL NO 'No that doesn't seem right... is she a psychic?' An' I oop- I mean yes but... 'Blink if your a psychic.'

I actually blinked in that moment and I saw Saiki's eyes widen. 'HOLY SHIT SHE BLINKED-' I suppressed a giggle at his thoughts but decided to put an end to his internal panic. "Is there something on my face? You've been staring at me for a while now..." Saiki calmed himself down and went back to his resting bitch face- I mean normal expression. "Sorry... I was thinking about something..." I internally sighed, 'What a boring excuse... but I guess that would be a compliment for him' Kurumi eventually told me to sit on the couch with her Ku while she prepared dinner. "So... what are you into?" He looked at me with a blank expression before shrugging. I let out a sigh before saying, "Fine... your obviously the loner type so I won't push anything. But if you ever want to talk, I'll be here." I pulled out my phone while Saiki looked at me like I just showed him the Holy Grail. 'Is she a goddess?' I wish- I just kept playing games on my phone while he stared at me, with stars in his eyes, for a bit longer. He eventually caught on that he was staring and looked away, grabbing the TV remote and turning the TV on. Saiki and I sat there in silence, I played my phone while he watched TV.

Eventually, we heard Kurumi's thoughts, and she was very angry. 'Ku! What do you think your doing?!? She must be bored out of her mind! Talk with her!' Her thoughts were obviously meant for the pink haired psychic, but they still made me internally chuckle. He let out a sigh before turning towards me. He tapped my shoulder and pointed upstairs, silently asking if I wanted to go to his room. I tilted my head before giving a small smile, "Sure." He stood up and started walking towards his room, me following right behind him.

When we finally got there he just opened the door for me while I walked inside. I looked around a bit before my gaze stopped at his bookshelf. I silently walked towards it and when I stopped in front of it I look at the pinkette, who had sat in his bed, and pointed at the large array of books. He nodded at my silent request to look through his books and I smiled a bit with stars in my eyes. I was actually curious to see what the alien read. 'Does she like to read?' Yes I pulled out a random book and flipped through it. 'He has an interesting taste in books...' I do this a couple times, pulling out a book that catches my eye and flipping through it. Saiki had decided to stop staring at me again and turn on the TV in his room. His thoughts told me he was relieved that I wasn't trying to force myself on him, and that's exactly what I wanted.

We were in a comfortable silence when Kurumi called for us. "Kusuo! Emiko! Dinner is ready!" I put the book I was skimming back on the shelf and looked at Saiki, who had already turned off his TV and started to stand up. 'I actually felt pretty comfortable around her... maybe we can actually be friends. Unlike those other idiots.' I internally giggled at his thoughts, but on the outside I just smiled at him. "Let's get going then! Wouldn't want to keep your Mom waiting!" With that I left the pinkette's room, not missing his thoughts about how bubbly I was when I decided to talk to him.

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