Chapter Fithteen

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(tw: angst, some violence and arguing.)

Tom was still in Tords lap. Hours passed.
They both held each other.
While Tord continued to sign his paperwork.

It was currently 2:00AM. Tom gulped nervously.
2 more hours.

Tord dropped his pen down as he yawned.
"Are you tired honey?"
"A little..but there's so much work to do."
"You should rest."
"No, I'd rather stay awake with you."
Tord spat. Kind of a grumpiness mood.

Tom chuckled weakly. He kissed his boyfriends jawline as Tord picked back up his pen.

"Somebody's affectionate this late.~"
"Oh hush..I just want to show you how much I love you."
Tom replied as he kissed Tords cheek.

Tom felt his heart start to ache. He wanted to show as much love as he can. Before he broke Tord.

He nuzzled this face into Tords neck. He wanted to tell him so bad. But he was so afraid.

A small sob left Tom's lips. Causing Tord to stop writing for a moment. His head turning over to look at his boyfriend.

"Are you okay?'ve been crying a lot lately. Did I, did I do something wrong?.."

Tom sniffled as he gripped onto Tords uniform. He hid his face into the leaders shoulder and cried.

"N-no.." Tom cried out.

Tord furrowed his eyebrows as he lifted Tom's face. His hands cupped lovingly onto Tom's cheeks.

"What's upsetting you. Tell me now."
Tord says, voice full of concern and worry.

"I-i can't..!"
"Yes you can!"
"'ll hate me."

Tord looked at him dumbfounded. Tom broke down into tears. He sobbed loudly and covered his face with his hands.

The goggles made a ":(" instead of the digital eyes.

"Tell me!"
Tord raised his voice a little, which caused Tom to lift his head.
The ":(" left and appeared back with his normal green digital eyes.

"I can't..! I'm sorry.."
Tord narrowed his eye.

"You don't trust me, is that it."

Tom felt his throat tighten up a bit. He exhaled shakily.

"Don't call me that! Obviously you don't trust me enough!"
Tom felt his lip quiver.

"Love, please calm down.."
"NO! Not until you tell me what the fuck is going on!"
Tord would argue back. Grabbing Tom's tie and yanked him close.

The shorter broke down. Sobs leaving his lips as Tord shoved him off his lap.

"I can't believe you! You don't even trust me! Even after what we have been through together!"

Tom stumbled a bit as he caught himself. Tears falling down on the hardwood floors.

"Tord listen.. i-i-"

Tom felt his heart drop. He slowly lift his head.

"Ive been lying to you.."
The words spilled out of Tom's lips.
Tord stepped back. He's shocked.

He's speechless, not sure what he should say.

Tom felt his voice cracked as he took out the crumpled note out of his uniform pocket.

He dropped it in front of his lover.
Tord furrowed his eyebrows and picked up the paper.

He slowly unfolded it as Tom sniffled. Looking at Tord with heartbreak.

Tord read the note over and over again. Tears filled into his eyes. As they dripped onto the small yellow lined paper.

"I'm so sorry."

Tord clenched his teeth. He snapped. He was pissed and heartbroken.

"I HATE YOU!". Tord cried out as he harshly shoved Tom to the wall. Gripping onto Tom's collar.


Tom lowered his head.
"I'm sorry Tord..Edd wanted me to do it-"

Tord says calmly, but his voice was full of venom and anger.

The leader slapped Tom as he stepped back. Tears falling down the communist's cheeks.

"This was all fake. You never loved me. You were just using me."
"N-no! You don't understand Tord!-"

Tord lifted his head and scowled.

The leader lowered his head and cried.
"Fuck you.."

Tord lifted his head and grabbed Tom. Grabbing a knife out of his pocket and aimed it at Tom's neck.

"They're coming at 4AM?"
Tom gasped as he looked up at Tord fearfully.

"Y-yeah! I promise!"

Tord slowly lowered the knife. He kissed Tom. Tom was shocked. He tried to kiss back but Tord pulled away.

"I'm putting you in the dungeon for now..I just can't look at you." Tord says, bitter in his tone.

He raised the knife back at Tom's neck as he walked out of his office.
He held Tom at knife point as the two walked over and down to the dungeon.

"I really fell for you.." Tom tried to speak but Tord harshly placed the blade against Tom's neck.
Drawing a bit of blood.

"Shut up. We can talk about that later. I can't have Edd and Matt find you..because you're mine." Tord says possessively.

Tom sniffled as he nodded. They reached the dungeon as Tord shoved Tom into a cell.

Tord licked the blood off of the blade and knelt down, locking Tom in the cell.

Tom watched as he backed up in the cell.
But he smiled a bit.
'He does still love me..'
Tom thought. His aching heart fluttered a bit.

Tord placed the knife back into his pocket and looked at his celled lover.

"I'm sorry my dear, but this is just a precaution. Okay?"
"So you do love me..?"
"Of course. Just, stay put."

Tord says as he turned around. His cape swayed to the side as he walked up the dungeon stairs.

Tom slid down and sat in the cage. Hugging his knees.
He was upset.
But he was happy he told his lover the truth.

Even though it didn't go exactly as he planned it for it to go.

Yet he smiled anyway.

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