Chapter 10

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-Kurt's pov-
It's been about a months since Kitty, Rogue and Evan joined us. Everyone loves Ms Maddison and she has been nothing but a wonderful mother figure in the manner, but today the town was holding a festival to celebrate the schools games and how old the town was. The professor asked us to volunteer but over the months me and the others saw how close Mr Logan and Ms Maddison have, Rogue and Evan were making bets when they would date.

-Maddison's pov-
I just left Charles in the study when I bumped into someone, I apologized but I heard a deep chuckle and heard, "you might want to look up Maddy." This made me blush hearing the nickname from Logan I looked up and apologized again but I went to go around him when he grabbed my wrist and said, "hey you alright?" I went to tell him yes but I couldn't lie to him and said, "Charles volunteer me to sign as the opener for the parade."

-Logan's pov-
I told her that was amazing but she sighed and said, "yes but I haven't song to a large audience in forever," this surprise me but I pulled her a little closer. She blushed making me smile and I gently lifted her chin and said, "You'll do amazing I know you'll have everyone begging you to sing more." She smiled but Storm and the girls came making me back away, Kitty apologized if they were interrupting anything but they had to go pick out Maddisons dress for the opening parade.

-Storm's pov-
Logan huffed and told us not to be out to long and he left, I smiled at Maddison seeing her blushing face. Rogue asked if anything happen when Maddison looked away and said, "nothing he just calmed me down is all."

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