2. At four in the morning

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This is og golden boy, by the way

That night, the three girls sat in their beds in Ginny's room, chatting happily. 

Camellia, though, was not paying attention. The only thing she could think about was Fred, and his intoxicating scent. That look he gave her was unlike any she had ever received from him before. She was excited and curious at the same time, and it made her heart race.


Camellia turned quickly to Hermione, who had evidently called her name a few times before she finally paid attention. 

"You're like—here, but at the same time you aren't. What's going on?" Hermione giggled. 

"I know what's wrong," Ginny said. "She likes my brother." 

Camellia laughed a little too loudly. 

"Mh no, I just think he's cute, that's all".

She had never told any of the girls about her little crush on Fred, even though it had lasted so long. But now, her crush didn't seem so small anymore, not after what had happened that night.

"Well, that's the biggest rubbish I've ever heard," decreed Ginny. "We all saw what happened today. And what's been going on for a while, if you know what I mean..." 

Hermione nodded in agreement, then asked her softly, "How are you feeling?"

Camellia swallowed and stared at her hands, thinking about how her fingers would feel intertwined between his. "A little confused, honestly," she admitted, "but it's just a stupid crush, nothing serious. And it's one-sided too, so nothing would happen between us." 

"I don't think it's one-sided, Cami,” said Hermione. “Did you see that? I wish someone would look at me like he looked at you today." 

"Oh, like Ron looks at you?" Camellia muttered under her breath, causing Ginny to burst out laughing.

Hermione blushed and tucked her hair behind her ear, as she always did when she was nervous.

"But honestly, I'm fine, I mean! It's not like he's the only guy I've ever liked!" She lied through her teeth, which made her two friends burst out laughing.

"Of course we know he's not the only one, Cami," Ginny said between laughs. "But it always seems like you and Fred have this little secret crush, I mean, you flirt all the time! It's disgusting, really!" 

Ginny giggled and Cam rolled her eyes. 

"Listen to the pot calling the kettle black! You and Harry snog every chance you get, you have no right to say my crush is disgusting!" she said crossing her arms in a faux-offensive pose, as Ginny shrugged smugly. 

"Can you blame me, though? He's gorgeous... And not to brag, but he's the chosen one," she had said that last part with dramatic flair, triggering a giggle from Hermione and Cam. 

Ginny blushed slightly but laughed with them. The girls continued to talk and tease each other about their boys, until their tiredness took over and they collapsed into a deep sleep.

At least for Ginny and Hermione. Both girls snored almost imperceptibly, while Ginny talked vaguely in her sleep. Camellia, on the other hand, was still in a sleep-wake, her body exhausted but her mind racing far away.

She simply couldn't stop thinking about Fred and the way he'd flirted with her, and the shivers he'd caused her, at the time of their wrestling match, Cam had thought he was simply expressing his charming personality... but now, she began to think differently. Every time she imagined having Fred on top of her again, she would get butterflies in her stomach that would never go away. What was wrong with her? Fred was a friend, but that was it. She wouldn't even consider him as one of her close friends. She'd seen him at school for a few years, but after he and George left, she hadn't been able to see him as often. Sure, they flirted and sometimes the urge to punch each other was mutual, but he wasn't the kind of guy she went to for personal things.

Golden Boy (Fred Weasley) +18Where stories live. Discover now