new strand

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(Allea's P.O.V)

Desire kills us all, which is why outbreaks of human beings have spoken about a place free of the dead and free of substances. It had not made me feel respected, so I returned to our team to take a look at them. What is the point of being hopeful if nobody makes us have a purpose too? Every morning is a battle for us, and the mother, baby, and father are all doing an excellent job. Trying to hold a baby quietly at night is a chore in and of itself, but with this much baggage available, it is much more complicated than before."Allea, we need to go on a supply run; we're running out of food and medications to prevent infection from the mother," Ryder says, looking at me.

"Thanks, Ryder. I'm aware of our state of affairs. We will have a small organization at the medical institution for medicinal drugs that will include me. Nobody goes there because it is teeming with infections. I can't have all and sundry loss of life among us, but that region is our great danger of getting materials, I say, looking at my bag loaded with weapons as I make extra arrows for my bow.

"Ryder, I need you to assist me with this if anything occurs to me. This institution will need you. I'm afraid everybody will switch on each other," I say, searching into his massive blue eyes intensely.

"Allea, nothing is going to happen to you. You are a badass. I have seen you survive hoards which most people don't," Ryder states, and he wasn't wrong about it.

"Sooner or later, my luck will run out, and the people will need a leader. No one is more qualified than you now; listen for once in the entire I have known you," I say, grabbing my pack, and letting my team know it is time to go.

We head out the door, nature all over the place, taking over the buildings. The smell of rioting flesh was near us, fresh from last night. I liked to think people's souls are in heaven once they die, and those monsters are just a shell of what someone used to be. Everyone was mainly orphans or these things. The new generation born would never know what the world was like before this.

We are all only surviving and no one was living anymore. No rich or poor, we are all equals. Sounds like paradise, right? Wrong it is hell on earth chaos is all we know now our animal traits have kicked in. Our old lives behind us are slowly disappearing. I snap out of my thoughts as we approach the hospital. Nothing was in sight, which is usually a bad sign.

I step in front, going to the door counting to three. I rush in on three, shooting my gun in the air. They come running at me; I pull out my shotgun. As they sprint to me, I shoot them in the head, seeing them fall. I throw a bomb as more come, grouping throwing a bomb of nails.

"Get down," I say, sliding behind a barrier; the bomb goes off and kills the ones grouped. I signal to go forward, getting a smoke bomb and throwing it at the rest of them after loading my bow and arrow. Shooting them in the head, "everyone okay," I ask, concerned.

They all nod "all right, let's go," I put my bow and arrow aside, so it is next to me. I head for the medicine carts grabbing medical bags. I throw bags at each one of us. The smell of death lingered here, never leaving our noses. I fill my bags with saline, epidural, oxycodone, etc. Any medicine you could think I grabbed. I grabbed I.V sets, all of them that I could find.

"We grabbed everything from this level. We are ready to go to the next level," My men tell me, looking into my eyes.

I look around, shedding a tear, imaging what happened to all the patients when the outbreak occurred. My mom and dad were in the hospital when it happened; my dad had just passed away from a bite now we know what happened. A couple of minutes later, he attacked my mom, killing her by eating her alive.

I never knew until I returned to the hospital when I had gone to take care of myself. I came and found them . I came back to reality, seeing I was already on the next floor. My bow was aimed at the undead who hadn't noticed us from our peaceful footsteps. I throw another bomb hitting a group of them. One comes us getting someone in our group in the neck. I come over to him, shooting it in the head. Pointing my gun at one of the guys I brought along, I shoot him out mercy.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2022 ⏰

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