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Sunoo ran down the corridor, while his bestfriend, Nishimura Riki (better known as Niki), ran behind him. It was lunch time in their school. Everyone stared at the two boys and laughed at them, because they knew that these two boys were really close to each other.

Everyone loved these two boys and treated them well.

"It's 2033, why are you still wearing that stupid hat? Let me throw it out for you!" Sunoo screamed that out while running.

Niki yelled back, "Just give it to me!! Its a gift by my mother!!" Sunoo just stopped and smirked at Niki, "Here you go, grandpa."

Niki hissed and said, "I'm two years younger than you, idiot." Sunoo just shrugged and they entered their own classes when the bells rang.

The teacher came into the class and banged her hand down the table, telling everyone to be silent and take out their history books and open page 177. She took a piece of chalk and wrote on the board, 'The War between Morverous and Amywarth'. The teacher said, "Go through the pages and pictures, it would help you in understanding a few parts." She sat down on the chair and opened her book too and read to herself.

Not everyone was being serious in class, so the teacher kept scolding them. Sunoo focused on his book. He might be naughty and mischievous outside, but when it came to studying, he was serious.

He saw a picture of a guy with a cat-ish cute face in a hanbok. The guy's hair was a little long and his hanbok was prettily tied. It was a painting by the King Jiwon. The doe eyes in the painting were small but deep. 'This boy is so pretty...", Sunoo thought while staring at the picture. The pink tassels on his arms with a red cloth tied on his neck. It looked quite feminish. The whole hanbok and look of this boy from the past looked quite feminine.

The teacher hit Sunoo on the back of his head lightly and said, "Don't just stare at one page."

Sunoo smiled and apologized the teacher and closed his book when the bell rang.

"That was a hell of a pretty guy," he said to himself.


Prologue ends.

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