Part 17

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No proofreading.
Forgive my grammatical errors.


"Thankyou for coming on my request, Doctor Stanely."
Forth shakes hand with Doctor Stanely and his junior.

"I cannot possibly reject your request, Mr. Jaturapoom."
Said Doctor Stanely.

"This is Mr. Beam Baramee.
Mrs. Sherly's son."
Forth introduced Beam to the doctor.

"Hello. Thankyou for coming here to treat my mother."
Beam said sincerely.

"We will try our best Mr. Baramee."
Dr. Stanely who is middle aged man spoke to Beam.

"We have read your mother's report and we hope for her recovery."
He informs further making Beam smiles.

Beam looked at Forth who in turn smiles assuredly.

"Have rest then.
I have arranged everything as per your convince."
Forth said and they nod in response.

"We will start her treatment from tomorrow."
Junior doctor said looking at Beam.

Forth securely puts his arm over Beam's shoulder after knowing the look that junior doctor was giving to Beam.

Beam startled and looked at Forth.

"We shall take our leave.
Mike will assist you from here."
Forth said politely and walked ahead taking Beam with him.

Beam harshly jerked Forth's arm away once they reached to Parking spot.

Forth didn't said anything and starts the car.

He waited for Beam to get inside.

Once Beam settles, he drives them to home.


"You said Doctor Stanely will come in evening.
How come he was here in morning Forth?
I promised Beam that I'll be with him."
Merlin said while having dinner.

"They changed schedule Mom. I couldn't get chance to inform you."
Forth answers putting food in Beam's plate.

Beam was observing all these things since a while.

"They will start her treatment from tomorrow Auntie."
Beam informs.

"Then I'll visit her in morning."
She said making Beam smile.

"I wanna be with her while they treat her."
Beam said softly .

"You have classes.
You can't miss them."
Forth protests.

Beam ignores him as usual and turns to Park.

Beam shows his puppy eyes.

"No Kiddo.
You have to attend your classes too."
Park said firmly.

"What if she got her conscious back and ask about me?"
Beam asked absently.

Forth who was looking at him all the time said.
"Our people is here at hospital.
They will give us every minute details."

Beam looks at him for few second.
Forth nods but he huffed.

"Behave Nong."
Lam said coldly.

Beam startles with the order.

"Mom can you accompany Beam's mother till her treatment please?"
Asked Forth politely.

She looks at Forth and then Beam.

Beam was looking for her answer.

I'll. "
She said with smile.

"Thankyou Auntie."
Beam said bowing his head down.

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