witches forest pt 2

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sam: what is all this you have here, can you explain I've never seen a set up like this before

witch: ok so these are crystals I've collected, this ones actually traveled the world I've like put it in different oceans and when I hold it, it makes me feel connected to all the places its been to, its been to Egypt its been to bali

sam: oo we've been to Egypt

witch: then theses are a bunch of feathers I actually collected in the witches forest

sam: whoa that's cool

colby: what do they uh symbolize

sam: I thought feathers symbolized the paranormal

witch: I don't know but I feel like they are good omens when I find them I'm like yeah I'm on the right track, I'm just going to sage the cards to cleanse any previous energy

colby: do you sage most people that you first meet or

witch: I like to sage people that are coming into my home just to the energy clear here we actually had a medium come out and cleanse the house because of the death

colby: because of the death

witch: yeah

colby: oh so you were saying wait wait I was confused the death is in this house not the cabin

witch: this house

colby: oh

sam: oh

colby:ok we mixed that up I thought she was talking about the cabin, that door opened in her house omg

corey: as we were talking about death in this house is when the door opened " gets up and walks away" alright " plays piano "

y/n: corey wait I'm coming with you

colby: I thought she meant the cabin I was freaking out

witch: I lived here alone for the first 6 months I lived here and I was really scared, I would be in the kitchen like washing dishes and I'll be like looking behind me and over my shoulder and hearing lots of creeks

colby: like there was a presents or something

witch: yes, I had a roommate for a while who stayed here who said she could see spirits and she was like theres all kinds of things in this house

sam: oh my god

witch: but she said they were good

corey: ok ok

colby: but your not afraid anymore or like your kind of over it or

witch: I'm afraid when I'm alone here I'm not going to lie

sam: she said the cabin is fine she literally gave us the key and said we could stay in there

colby: remind me did she ever say the cabin was haunted

sam: no she said the forest was haunted not the cabin

colby: ok I feel a little more safe

witch: so your staying in her cabin

colby: yes

sam: we're going to try camping out there and then hopefully the cabin doesn't have any spirits cuz we told corey that

corey: that we were going to be safe and stay away from Ouija boards and seances

witch: I would definitely stay away from Ouija boards

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