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Yoongi didn't care about much in life.

Being born into a wealthy family with minimal parental presence meant that still until now as a 20-year-old, everything has been handed to him on a golden plate, well, except for the one thing that mattered to him the most, especially as a child: parental love.

You see, both his parents are very busy people. They both work in the main council that leads Topelect Co. This is actually where they met, when the company's plans were still just... plans. Unfortunately for Yoongi thought, this meant that he would rarely see his parents, who were constant workaholics, never really prioritizing anything over their careers.

You might be wondering why they even had a child in the first place. Well, being business partners, they decided it was best to get married and have an heir to extend their family name in the business. But sadly for them, Yoongi was diagnosed with ADHD, and developed selective muteness when he was 8 years old, so they deemed him useless and incapable of reaching their expectations.

And yes, they never heard their child speak a word to them for the past 12 years.

But whatever, it's okay, right? He still has practically anything he asks for, right?

Yoongi's still working on convincing himself that this is the case.

Despite that, Yoongi still does speak, just not to anyone. The only time he lets his voice free is when he is alone in his room while making sure that none of the maids are close enough to hear him, and it's mostly for his one and only aspiration in life: to rap and release mixtapes anonymously under the name Agust D.

But that doesn't mean he doesn't resent his parents for doing what they did to him. He still wishes every day, as he wakes up in his huge room in the painful silence of the Min mansion, that they never gave birth to him 20 years ago.

This resentment for them also extended to the company they work in. Although Yoongi has had his chip implanted in his brain by his parents ever since he was 10, he would never actually use it, not even the casual (and not so lasting) friendships he's had while growing up. The only people he's connected to are his parents, but they might as well not be, considering that they only talk to him once in a blue moon, when they want to notify him that they're coming back "home".

So imagine to his surprise (and annoyance) when he hears an unknown dude's voice in his head, saying at 3:37 in the morning:


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